Cowboys VS Indians

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I felt my breath leave my body as I crashed to the floor

"Uurghhhh" em complained "this wasn't supposed to happen?"

"Owwwww my head!" Ash whines running her fingers through her blonde and pink hair in a very .attractive birds nest style.

"Great hair ash!" I laugh and when em sees it she joins too laughing hysterically.

"Ohhhhahahohhhhhaa!" She exclaims trying hard to remember to breath now and again. ash just gives us the death stair with her turquoise eyes.

"Sorry" I stammer trying hard not to laugh,

"Me 2" em says with a huge smile and puppy dog eyes.

"Fineeee I won't kill you now" ash comments nonchalantly.

And then for the fist time I realise we were not in my bedroom, my eyes go wide in shock and if seeing my expression em and ash look around to and both of their jaws drop in an instant as they realise

"We're...... We're ......!"ash stammers

"In a...." Em stutters

"Jungle!" I finish. everything goes earily quite as just realising our presence for the first time. then we hear it

"Owowowowowowowow!" as a stampede of people rush at us with bows and arrows sawing over our heads.

"INDIANS!" em screams

"RUN! I shout. we sprinted forward where ever that was and then we heard another sound

"COWBOYS!" Ash proclaims and then I realise the Indians weren't shooting at us - we were in the middle of a battle field of cowboys verses Indians! "Which side shall we go to !?" Em cries

"Ummm uhhh" I stutter, "COWBOYS!" I shout at the last second "they have guns! I think they win?" (How i wished I payed more attention in history classes..)

So we sprint ducking low so not to get hit and then we keep running past them to the back of the group

"Over here!" A firm hand grabs my arm and pulls me sideways, I grab onto em who grabs onto ash and we run following a stranger who we can't even see with all the smoke from the guns. we run for a very long time and then get pushed into a wigwam.

"In here!" they urge and we all fall in gasping on the floor. then someone starts to laugh, I sit bolt up right.

And then I see him, tall, longish golden hair that nearly reaches his sea blue sparkling eyes.

"Thanks.." I stammer utterly breathless by his beauty.

"It's okay" he replies with a grin

"Hey Harry? Where are youuoohh.." Two other boys walk in and I here em and ash take a sharp intake of breath. "Hi!" I introduce us.

"I'm Lola this is em and this is ash" I turn around to them and see their eyes wide staring at the boys

"This is Tom" Harry says pointing to a smaller blonde haired boy with blue eyes and then points to another, extremely similar blonde haired blue eyed boy who announced himself as "Dougie"

"Hiya!" We all say in unison as we stare at the boys that saved our lives

"Well umm thanks again guys" i say

"It's sokay" he replies as if it was nothing.

"Really thanks" I say again "you saved our lives"

"I know so now will you quite saying thanks !?" He says trying hard not to laugh

"Sorry, thanks again" I mutter only to realise i said it again making my cheeks turn red and him laughing at me more. I turn to em and ash to see em talking to Tom and ash talking to Dougie. I roll my eyes at them and ask Harry if we can leave.

"Sure but we have to come with you to protect you" he states and seeing him smile like that in his little cowboy suit makes me giggle so much i start I choke and he has to come over an calmly pat my back, his touch feeling like fire and it takes everything not to complain when he stops.

"Are you gunna die or can we go?" He laughs. i storm out really embarrassed

"Hey sweetheart don't run off!" he calls running to catch up with me with ease.

"Don't call me that" I say hiding my smile. I turn around to see em and ash still talking to Tom and Dougie. I roll my eyes again and continue to talk To Harry.


Em's POV


Omg he is sooo fit! I think to myself. oh wow he's laughing, he has perfect teeth. and he looks so cute in his little cowboy outfit! well his clothes not outfit because I guess that's how everybody dresses here in his tribe or culture or what ever..

"Hellooooo? Em? were you even listening to me?" he says a hint of hurt flashing over his eyes.

"Huh?" I reply looking dreamily into his eyes

"I said.." His eyes brightening a again.. (He's so beautiful!) "do you like me?"


"Yeh" I say dreamily then I realise what he said "I mean no! No! No way. I mean... No I only just met you!" I say stammering and my cheeks redness in full bloom. "no" I repeat looking at the ground and basically anything but him

He chuckles looking at me. I can feel his gaze go over my body, I become very self conscious so breath in so I look thinner, Lola says it doesn't make a difference that I'm as skinny as a bean anyway but still.

"Well anyway" he says smoothly "how did you get here?"

"I don't really know" I say truthfully playing with my hair trying to act cool.

"What do you mean you don't know?" he says obviously amused

"Well I got Lola, that's my friend over there" I say pointing to her "a board game for her birthday and she pressed the button in the middle and now we are all here" I say with a smile

"What's a board game...?" He asked his brows creased as if trying to work it out

"Seriously!" I say

"Seriously!" he mimics so I go on to explain about board games and stuff like that and through it all he listens contently not looking bored at all if anything he looks fascinated by them so I tell him all I know and just as I'm finishing I see Harry trying to hold Lola's hand.

He keeps trying to grab it playfully like a game, as Lola keeps pulling away from him. I would intervene but they are both laughing, it's just a joke. But then all of a sudden Lola gives in and they hold hands much to my surprise, however Lola quickly pulls back after a minute or so. I see Tom sees it as well, he gives me a pointed look that I carefully avoid. we walk in silence together for a while until we get to our destination

"Here we are!" he says with a smile and it absolutely takes my breath away

"It's beautiful!" I stammer and as we walk up to Lola, who I grab in a huge hug as all four of us laugh at the ridiculous nature of our meeting. A couple of minutes later ash comes along casually linking arms with Dougie in a 1950s style.

"Hey guys! Oh wow oh look guys ! Ohhhh...." She trails off as she sees me on Lola's back so I let go, laughing and slightly embarrassed at my childish nature.

Ash and Dougie look at eachother then burst out laughing and then so do Lola and Harry then so do Tom and I and then we all turn around to look at the view again all with smiles on our faces.


Hey guys!

Sorry if the chapter isn't that long ..

I will do Ash's POV next so don't worry!

Luv u all

TJ xxxxxxx 💙💙💙

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