Love. Real or not real?

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Lola's POV


"LOLA!" everyone screamed at me and just as it snaps I thrust my body up and just managed to grab onto Harry's hand an he pulled me up with ease into an embrace. I let out a huge sob. em tried to get me off Harry but he wouldn't let me go which was fine by me. After a minute or two when I have finally caught my breath, I pull back only for him to wrap his delicate yet strong hands around my face to look at me seriously. He leans in slowly and presses his soft lips against my cheek. everything around me disappears and this zooms straight to the top of my list of best moments ever, even better than my first chocolate and cheese sandwich!

It was my closest encounter to a proper kiss and it was spontaneous and unexpected and totally just the heat of the moment, but magical all the same.

I pull away in surprise, but as I look into his eyes I see they are on fire with passion and I decide to just ask

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" I whisper

His eyes widen in shock and he takes a small intake of breath so I laugh, then I hug him again

"Thank you" I whisper

"I told you to stop saying that" he laughs and winks "Don't leave me just yet, I'd like to get to know you a bit better first" he laughs.

"I promise" I say really meaning it, I think there is a very real chance I could be falling in love with this tall handsome stranger.

For a second i imagine what could happen if I did, I imagined living with him and dying old and happy with him. its true what they say you know, if it is the right person, it really is love at first sight and it might seem silly and intense and just plain stupid because it's all way too fast, but it really is true.

I turn around and see em with tears in her eyes

"I love you sis" I stammer and give her the biggest hug ever and then I go over to ash and she embraces me in a hug hug squeezing all the air out of me.

"I'm sorry I enterupted you and Dougie!" I cry

"It's okay!" and em joins us and we become a pile of crying messed up girls that go on nothing but love

"I love you guys so much" I whisper

"We love you too but we will kill you if you ever do that again here us?" Em says

"Hehe okay I promise not to do that again"

So after a while we finally get about half way down the mountain and we come to a boulder

"We should be safe here" Harry says as him, Tom and Dougie push the rock aside and revealing a cave.

"Ooh!" Us girl squeal in excitement. this really was becoming an adventure. Then it hits me.

"We are not gunna get home anytime soon are we" my smile falling and the same with ash and em as the truth sinks in.

"And once we get home we will never see you again." And in that moment, my heart sinks lower than Titanic. I don't understand why my emotions for him are so strong, but they are.
Then I look at him and his face is grave and i also realise

"You all just left your families in the middle of a war for us!" I exclaim

His face falls even lower and his eyes start to water

"Oh Harry I'm so.." I start but he stops my words by putting his fingers over my lips.

"Don't say sorry, it's fine, this was our choice. We will go back soon," and for the  first time his beautiful dirt covered face shows signs of drowsiness.

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