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💖Lola's POV💖

"FFWWAAYYAAHHHHHHH!" I scream in the most ninja like way as I complete a perfect roundhouse kick to Harry's stomach and he falls to the floor lying on his back.

Triumphantly I put my legs either side of him and drop to the floor sitting on top of him

"Who's the ninja now?" I laugh as I raise my eye brows at him.

"You princess" he laughs as he brushes a piece of hair out of my face. I get lost in his dreamy, sky blue eyes and he props himself up on his elbows and goes in for a kiss, but of course, just as our lips are about to collide I gasp as my eyes fly open and I am no longer on top of Harry but the other way around.

He shakes me frantically as he cries with laughter and I remember the reality of the situation..

I had attempted to do a roundhouse kick but had ended up missing Harry due to his quick reflexes and fell off balance resulting in my head becoming best friends with a tree and I had knocked myself unconscious..

"Oh shut up" I grumble as I sit up and rub my head wishing I was still in my deluded state.

I knew before we started training, how hard it was going to be but I had at least factored in a little skill on my part, apparently I had less ninja skills than a dead squirrel.

Probably because fighting was a new experience for me, sure I used to do karate but only for 2 years and I was 10. I only actually went because the instructor was super fit and I quit when he left to go be a body guard for some guy in Japan. I felt about as at home as a turkey at Christmas.

I got up and dusted myself off to look at the others. On my right Ash and Dougie were sitting cross legged on the floor as Ash twirled a daisy around in the air building up her telekinetic strength, then Dougie caught it and carefully placed it in Ash's hair and she laughed, embarrassed as he winked at her.

I looked to the left to see a sight I was very proud of. Em beating the absolute crap out of Tom in the nicest way possible. She really was a real life ninja. After just 5 hours of training she was more than I could ever be in a life time and I laugh as Tom falls to the floor and puts his hands up in surrender. em laughs and holds out her hand to pull him up but instead he pulls her down with him and they roll around on the grass together laughing in their own little world.

I turn back to Harry and he puts his arms around me and kisses my forehead and I smile. I am so in love right now.

"Woah what was that?" Harry exclaims and takes a step back

"What was what?!" I answer back panicked

"Lo!" He smiled "was that you? I suddenly felt.. I don't know! It was all of a sudden like a wave had come over me, it felt strong and safe and warm, it felt like love" he laughed

"I did it?" I exclaimed. I had been trying all morning whilst learning all these new punches and kicks to defend myself but had had no success

"I did it!" I squeal as I jump around and Harry swings me around In his arms. maybe training wasn't as hopeless as it seemed.

Maybe I wasn't as hopeless as I seemed.

💖Em's POV💖

Left punch. right punch aaand slamm! I think as I push Tom to the floor for the sixth time in a row

"Okay okay" he laughs "you win" he smiles, his hands up in a surrender.
I hold out my hand to pull him back up
"Ready for another go?" I laugh and wink at him
"Sure flower, as long as you're ready to get your butt kicked." he winks back and accepts my open hand, only rather than me pulling him up, he pulls me down.

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