The three T's

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💖 Lola's POV💖

I hate Roller coasters. Why? I hate the fact that it scares me to be on them, I am scared of fear itself and although that doesn't make much sense, it terrifies me, always has done and probably always will.

I also hate that feeling you get in your stomach when you go really fast or go upside down or go down a really steep bit, so basically I don't like fear or going fast

As I fell through the darkness that's all I could feel and I screamed and screamed and screamed until I landed at the bottom with a big thud

I was in total darkness until a spotlight suddenly came on above me. I squinted up trying to see past the light, but it was no good. it was too bright. i stood up and looked around

"Hello?" I called out

I heard a grunt and a shuffle and before I knew it I was face up with a huge, and I mean totally enormous elephant. it has three heads and two sets of huge Green cat like eyes each and the funny thing was, I recognised their ominous glow. But why?

Their trunks are covered in huge green spikes that match the purple spikes along it's sides, all dripping with a weird golden goo.

It was soooooo pretty! Just like when the sun gets dragged out from hiding on the other side of the world to greet and hug everything with it's shiny radiant light, only this light could do a lot more damage than sunburn

It roars a terrible roar as I look at all their terrible teeth dripping with blood from it's last victim,

I turned and fled

I ran and ran and ran until I tripped and fell straight down

I scream in Agony as my ankle gives a loud cracking sound as it twists in a peculiar angle.

I do a lot of dancing back home and usually end up spraining it, so it is now very weak.

I cower to the floor as I grab my ankle

Tears run freely down my face

I think it's broken

I start to panic as the creature looms over me. I stare into the beasts familiar glowing green eyes, as the red bloody saliva dripped down onto me

My body starts to feel all tingly and then All of a sudden my body is over taken by a huge feeling of anger and hunger

I see myself cowering below me, a nice tasty, easy meal

Then I snap back to myself again.

What the hell was that?

I look the beast right in the eyes, his harsh green glowing eyes and my wet shiny blue eyes connect and my body starts to tingle all over

"Please" I beg "please dont hurt me"

The beast cocks his head

I feel the tingle again

Again, I see myself cowering below me but I no longer feel the hunger or the anger, I just feel blank and confused

I snap back to myself again

What the actual hell is happening?

Our eyes connect again

"Please" I repeat "you don't want to hurt me, we are friends okay?" I sooth

The mutt looks at me and his three long tongues loll to the side of each mouth

"Haha that's it!" I say, as I am overcome by a wave of happiness "how about you help me get out of here? I've hurt my ankle you see" I smile even though it really hurts and I don't want to smile I just want to cry

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