Orcs Everywhere

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I knew something was wrong. I could smell something in the air. I wasn't sure what it was, but I detected some sort of danger. Little did I know how close that danger was...
Orcs. First I knew was a scream from Sigrid. She had gone outside to see if Bard was coming back, for Bain had come home alone, and instead encountered the delightful race known as the orcs. She slammed the door shut, screaming as the Orc wrestled with her to open the door. An Orc bust through the back door, just to have crockery thrown at him by Oin. Another burst through the ceiling, snarling and growling the beast it was. The one that had been wrestling with Sigrid managed to wrench the door open, throwing her back onto the table. Fili threw himself at the orc, only to be thrown backwards.
"Get under the table!" I roared to the children. Another Orc burst through the the ceiling. Tilda frisbeed a plate at it before being dragged under the table by Sigrid. Bain kicked a chair at it, before throwing another at its face, knocking it backwards. Orcs were bursting through the ceiling left right and centre. I longed for my weapons, but they were under lock and key in the Woodland Realm. I grabbed a frying pan and a rolling pin to defend myself with. To my right, Aleron was holding back an orc with a chair while holding a meat cleaver and with a kitchen knife stuck in her belt. An Orc turned over the table, making the two girls scream. I bashed it over the head with my rolling pin, this was going to be a long fight.
Suddenly, Tauriel appeared, bursting throw the front door. She her knives bared, engaging the nearest two orcs. Legolas came through a hole in the ceiling, just as Aleron was smashing an Orc's face in with the meat cleaver. The two elves immediately began to fight the orcs. One began to drag Kili off the bed as he screamed in pain. Tauriel threw a knife at it, killing it instantly. Kili fell off the bed, screaming in pure agony. The elves continued to dispatch the orcs, spinning and swinging their blades as fast as lightning. Within a few moments, all the orcs were dead.
"You killed them all," said Bain in shock. Legolas looked over at me and Aleron and took something out a bag on back. My sword, bow and arrows were handed back to me. Aleron's sword and daggers were returned. Without a word to us, he turned and left.
"There are others. Tauriel," he called to the Silvan elf. Tauriel was staring at Kili, who was writhing on the floor in agony, screaming. Oin turned to Fili, concern in his eyes.
"We're losing him."

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