Tea, Bacon and Heartache

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I awoke to little Tilda's sweet voice.
"Come on Eleana, it's time to wake up," she whispered to me. I groaned and opened my eyes. I was curled up with my arms wrapped around my knees and Bard's coat draped over me. I looked in front of me to see Little Tilda was smiling at me.
"There we go sleepy head," she smiled.
I grimaced, my head hurt. A cup of tea was pushed into my hands by Sigrid.
"Morning," I groaned.
"Good Morning," chorused four voices. I looked up. Bard was at the stove fixing breakfast, Bain was laying the table, Sigrid was making tea and Tilda was sat next to me.
"Where's Aleron?' I asked. A head poked out of Tilda and Sigrid's room.
"Someone said my name?" Came Aleron's voice.
"Hello," I said, waving my non-tea-holding hand at her. Aleron chuckled before disappearing back into the bedroom. Bard looked up at me from the fire, giving me a brief smile before going back to cooking breakfast. I swung my legs down so I was in a sitting position, and tilted my head around until my neck clicked.
"That's better," I sighed. Bard chuckled before coming over to the table with the frying pan.
"Aleron!" I yelled.
"What?" She called back.
"Food!" I hollered. Aleron came out of the bedroom in a millisecond and was sat down on a chair before I could blink. I laughed, if there was one thing that could make her move, it was food. I staggered over to the table and crashed down onto a chair. Bard served out a slice of toast and a couple of bits of bacon each. I could detect Aleron grimacing beside me. She didn't like bacon. Bard turned away to serve the others and she quickly swapped her bacon for my slice of toast. Bard sat down and smirked ironically at when he looked at our plates.
"I'm sorry, I just..." Began Aleron. Bard raised a hand to stop her talking.
"It's fine," he said "To be honest, I expected Eleana to have the toast because I thought elves weren't too fond of meat." I chuckled and shook my head.
"No, I'm afraid that's the Skin-Changer in me," I chuckled "I haven't the faintest idea how the elves can survive without meat."
"But you lived in Lothlorien, how the hell did you manage to get hold of meat?" Exclaimed Aleron through a mouthful of toast.
"Hunting," I said simply. Aleron swallowed.
"Really Eleana, the only thing that's worth hunting in Lothlorien is rabbits, don't tell me you ate rabbit?" She whined. I chuckled at horrified face as I nodded.
"How could you!" She squealed. I shook my head, laughing softly.
"Believe me," I said "After you've lived on lettuce leaves and lembas for two months, roast rabbit starts to sound pretty tasty." Aleron looked disgusted.
"She's right," chuckled Bard "Anyway, I thought you were a ranger, don't they have to live off whatever they can find in the wild?" I let out a laugh.
"I've lost count on how many hunting trips I've been on to find a deer for her to eat!" I exclaimed "If she is a ranger, she's a really fussy one!" Everyone laughed, Aleron clapped me on the back of the head.
"Thanks, such a best friend you are!" She laughed sarcastically. Suddenly, the triumphant blare of horns echoed through the town, along with the cheering of the crowd. The mood at the table quickly changed. I got up, Bard's coat still around my shoulders, and went to the window.
I could see the dwarves in a boat, dressed in the armour of Laketown. I ignored the tears running down my face as I watched the boat leave the harbour and row out onto the lake. Thorin was stood at the prow, looking out to the mountain. He turned back, casting his gaze over Laketown. He saw me at the window, tears streaming down my face. We held eye contact for a moment before he turned away from me. Kili and Fili weren't in the boat, neither were Oin or Bofur. They had been left behind too. My breath was coming in gasps, my broken heart aching to be loved. I went to the door and went outside. I turned and leapt onto the roof before sitting down on the slates, leaning against the chimney stack. I didn't curl up and cry, I felt as if there were no tears left. I just looked out, watching the dwarves' boat dissolve into a black speck on the water.
"Eleana?" Came Bard's voice.
"Up here," I called.
"Where?" He said, looking in the completely wrong direction.
"On the roof," I groaned. Bard turned around to see me sat there, leant against the chimney.
"How did you get up there?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't know," I said simply. Bard chuckled.
"Are you coming down or staying up there?" I glanced back at the mountain, I could no longer see the dwarves' boat. I scrambled back down the roof, managing not to dislodge any of the slates. Landing next to Bard, I fell perfectly on my feet.
"There you are," he said. I looked back at the mountain, blinking the tears out of my eyes.
"I need to leave," I said.
"Where will you go?" Asked Bard.
"Lothlorien, Rivendell," I said "I cannot go back to my father after what happened."
"Thorin," muttered Bard. I nodded sadly.
"Come inside," he said "You need to finish your breakfast." I followed Bard inside.
Only a few moments after I had sat down, there was a knock at the door. Bard went and answered it.
"No," I heard him say "I'm done with dwarves."
"Please," said a voice, it sounded like Bofur "No one else will help us."
I heard Kili let out a pained groan. I remembered. The arrow wound.
"Kili's sick," said Bofur "He's very sick."

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