Warped Tour

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Taylor: r u guys almost home?? Ive been waiting 4 almost an hour. u were supposed 2 be here by now

He sent the message to Zac as he waited for the band to arrive. Hayley's dad had been the band's driver, so Taylor was waiting outside of the Williams' residence. The backs of his bare calves were pressed against the hot driveway, which he felt a great deal of pain from. But at the same time, standing up required effort he did not have.

His summer was more boring than he ever could have imagined. His older brothers were great and all, but he could only take so much teasing until he needed to get away from them. Justin played music, which Taylor would enjoy. But then Justin's friends would come over to play music with him. Taylor wanted to watch them play, maybe even play guitar with them. But they would always tell him to leave them alone.

It was too hot outside for Taylor's liking. He hated being outdoors in the first place. Why he chose to wear black clothing on such a sunny day was beyond him. After a few more moments of waiting, his phone buzzed in his lap. He smiled when he flipped it open and saw the sender.

Zac: Ran into some traffic but we r only a few streets away

Taylor closed his Motorola brand flip phone and watched the empty street. Just a moment later, he saw the 12-person van pulling onto the street, causing a smile to make its way to his lips. He stood up and dusted off the backs of his legs, both of which were covered in dirt and pebbles thanks to the driveway. His uncovered calves were definitely relieved to no longer be pressed against hot gravel.

Hayley's father sat in the driver's seat, appearing exhausted. Not like anyone could blame him. He'd wasted the majority of his summer driving his daughter and four of her friends all around the country. But it wasn't like he didn't have a choice, considering he chose to be the driver. They even told him that they could hire a driver instead, but he refused to allow it.

Taylor stepped onto the grass outside of Hayley's mother's house, allowing the van to pull into the driveway. The bassist for the time being, John, was the first to climb out. After exiting, he stretched his arms out and waved to Taylor. The two never were close, but that was because Taylor liked Jeremy more, even though he was still rather bitter over Jeremy's departure beforehand.

And then Hayley climbed out. She seemed full of energy, but that was nothing new. Her and Jeremy were polar opposites when it came to that. Jeremy was, well, a typical stoner. He didn't even smoke much, he just appeared that way. Long hair, always tired, always eating. Mrs. York and Mrs. Farro had both felt as though their sons should not have been hanging around Jeremy, considering his age and his appearance. It took a lot of convincing until they were okay with their precious children being around him.

Josh climbed out immediately after Hayley, grabbing onto her hand the first chance he could. They were at that stage in their relationship. The stage where they had just began getting really serious and were ready to do just about anything with each other. Hayley's father wasn't a fan of this and would keep an eye on the couple at all times while on the road. That was actually one of the reasons he had volunteered to be the one driving them around, instead of hiring a driver.

After the rhythm guitarist, Jason, got out, Zac was the final member of the 5-piece band to climb out. He lazily stepped outside, shielding his eyes from the sunlight. Taylor rushed over to Zac, considering he was closer with him than he was with anyone else, and wrapped his arms tightly around him.

"Missed me, huh?" Zac asked, ruffling Taylor's curly hair a little bit.

"You guys have to tell me all about Warped," Taylor said, excited to hear every last detail about the music festival.

Jason and John both said they would have to go soon and that their parents would pick them up. Taylor was completely fine with that. He had no real relationship with John and felt envious towards Jason. Not for nothing, though. Jason was lucky enough to be touring with the group as the rhythm guitarist. Taylor assisted with the writing process and everything, but his parents insisted he finish high school before officially joining the band. And even though it was a summer tour, Jason had already agreed to joining the band beforehand.

Josh and Zac's parents wanted to see their sons, but the brothers said that they missed Taylor and somehow convinced their mother to pick them up later on in the day.

So John and Jason left the home of Cristi Williams. All of the band members went into the house, along with Hayley's Dad too. Her parents' relationship wasn't as terrible as some divorced parents' relationships. They both strived to be good co-parents when it came to Hayley.

But anyway, that isn't important. The three boys, and the one girl, head up to Hayley's room. To be sure they weren't doing anything bad, though, her parents forced them to keep the door open just a bit. Because, unfortunately, some parents assume their daughter will suddenly be involved in a gangbang. Ya' never know.

But again, off topic. The second they got to Hayley's room, her and Josh were all over each other. Taylor made a gagging noise, which caused Zac to laugh. He loved that laugh. Josh just rolled his eyes and stated that Taylor and Zac were simply jealous that he had a girlfriend and they didn't.

"Well, I'm not totally alone," Zac spoke, arms crossing over his chest in an angry manner.

"Oh, tell Taylor about the girl you met on the last day of Warped," Hayley spoke. Zac gave a small smirk as he blushed. The vocalist moved closer to the band's drummer and rubbed a piece of skin on his neck. After rubbing it for a moment, it was visible to everyone that Zac had a hickey.

"Hayles had to cover it with her makeup because we know that Joey would have realized and told my mom. Don't want that. But dude, look at this!" he exclaimed excitedly, tilted his head to one side, and pointed towards the fading, just-barely-there mark.

He didn't know why, but it was like a switch within him was flipped and random rage filled his entire being. He made sure not to make it obvious. He shook off the feeling of anger, deciding that it was odd and must have been fueled by something else. He had no clue what it was.

"Okay, let me tell you about the girl. She was probably a little bit taller than me, which was embarrassing. Blonde, super hot. The three of us were watching My Chemical Romance perform. Or, I was. These two losers wouldn't stop sucking face. Every once in awhile, I would yell 'Joey's coming!' and they would immediately stop and look like they feared for their lives. But anyway, moving on." He cleared his throat and sat up a little bit as though he was preparing to tell the greatest story in the world. Which, to him, it was.

"She came by and said she recognized me. I was like, yeah, I'm in Paramore. And she was like, yeah, I know, and then she kissed me and I couldn't believe it and oh my god," he paused after his sentence, which he seemed to not take any breaks to breathe while telling.

"So she took me to the girl's bathroom, which was a little weird. I didn't ask questions, I just sort of let her lead the way and decided 'whatever happens happens.' Long story short, I got this bad boy on my neck as proof." Long story short? Not exactly.

He really didn't have a clue as to what it was that was fueling this feeling within him. This anger. And with each word that Zac spoke, every time he'd touch the mark on his skin, Taylor's blood would boil just a little bit more.

He stood up while Josh was going on about how he bumped into Pete Wentz and almost yelled at him to watch where he was going until realizing who he had bumped into. He stopped mid-sentence, looking up at Taylor. Taylor ran a hand through his own curly locks and just shook his head a little.

"I have to go home," he explained. He didn't have to, but he couldn't be there. Not then.

"Why?" Zac asked, but Taylor was already heading out the door and didn't turn back to answer him. He just couldn't be there.

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