Shut Up And Let Me Make Out With You

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{ smut warning !!! }

It was so weird for both of them. It was weird for Zac because he never would have expected the events taking place to even take place. It was just as weird for Taylor because he imagined Zac pushing him away and telling him to leave him alone. He definitely expected such a reaction to happen and had mentally prepared for it. So they just sat there on the couch in the middle of Zachary Wayne Farro's living room, a small crucifix hanging on the wall, making it seem like Jesus was watching the two.

In reality, Taylor was doing most of the work. His hands were on Zac's face, his lips moving while Zac's entire body seemed to be staying still. Only his hands moved, but that was just within his own lap.

After another moment of all of that, Taylor pulled away.

"I'm sorry," was all he could manage to say. Zac was at a complete loss for words. But not exactly for bad reasons, oh no. He leaned closer to Taylor, his lips clashing with the guitarist's. Now this took him by surprise. Taylor jerked his head back.

"You don't have to do this, dude, I know you don't want this," he rushed his words out.

"Shut the fuck up, curly," he replied before bringing his lips back to Taylor's.

It was all a chain of events that Taylor couldn't quite follow. First Taylor confirmed that he was indeed very gay, then Taylor kissed Zac, and then Zac kissed Taylor. And before he knew it, Taylor's lap was covered with a man he had unknowingly fallen in love with when the other boy was only 15.

Zac didn't know what he was doing. He couldn't blame it on the alcohol, being as how that drunkennes had most definitely worn off.

"Zac..." Taylor spoke softly as Zac's lips connected with Taylor's neck. He was definitely feeling something that he hoped would be taken care of, you know, down there. But first, he wanted to take care of Zac.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't leave any marks," he chuckled, shaking his head at himself.

"No, it's not that," he trailed off, even though he was right, but he glanced down at Zac's lower half, specifically looking at the obvious bulge that had appeared within his loose pajama bottoms. All of this really gave Taylor a sense of relief, knowing that Zac was just as aroused by what was going on. This definitely caused some questions of curiosity to come to Taylor, but he'd save those for a better time and place.

Zac got the message, and the two of them soon switched their spots. Zac sat on the couch, Taylor down on his knees just in front of him.

But now let's focus a little bit on Zac. See, he'd always had some sort of interest when it came to Taylor, but he figured that it was just how guys were. But once he started hearing people use offensive slurs against homosexuals back in high school, he realized that that was certainly not the case. So he kept it all buried inside, and figured it was some sort of phase.

The reason he denied Taylor's coming out was not because of him not wanting a friend who was gay, or because of him being homophobic by any means. But he was afraid that he'd end up doing something wrong. And as drunk as he was, he didn't exactly feel like screwing things up when they had already been in a rough spot.

Once they kissed for the first time, he couldn't believe it. But he was fully aware that he wanted, no, needed more.

Taylor felt dirty, that was the only way he could possibly express it. The way he was so eager for the upcoming events, it was weird to him. Also, he had no clue as to what he was doing. He'd only been on the receiving end of this, so maybe he should have paid closer attention.

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