Welcome To The Band

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"That was one hell of a show," Taylor stated, collapsing onto the couch of the band's dressing room. He earned nods from the fellow members, all of whom were all just as exhausted as he was. They'd been one of the opening acts for No Doubt, once again, on their Summer Tour of 2009. The venues they'd been playing were unreal, many of them completely sold out. Of course, it was not their headlining concerts, but it was still surreal to be performing in front of so many people.

Jeremy took a seat beside the rhythm guitarist, arm coming around him. Josh, Hayley, and Zac all looked at each other. Taylor noticed the three of them mouthing words to each other, showing a whole lot of expression for people who weren't speaking aloud. They looked at Jeremy, who was sitting right next to Taylor. As if he understood exactly what the three of them were talking about, he nodded.

They all moved closer. Well, except for Jeremy, since he was already practically on top of Taylor. Zac was smiling, earning him a nudge in the side from Hayley.

"We need to talk to you, Taylor," Josh spoke. Still, Zac was grinning.

"Okay," the touring member said in response. He tried his very best to keep his eyes on Josh, considering he was the one speaking. But every few seconds, he'd glance over at Zac, admire his precious smile, and then look back at Josh. The lead guitarist sighed, scratching at the back of his neck.

He took a seat beside the curly-haired boy, sitting on the remaining cushion of the couch. He opened his mouth to speak, only for his mouth to close seconds later. He looked at Hayley, whose eyes widened a little bit. She exhaled a heavy sigh.

"Alright, you've been supporting the band for a long time. Even with our first album, you helped us with writing it. And the same with our second, and the record we finished earlier this year. But that's not really important. Taylor, we want you to be an official member of the band."

To Taylor, this was like a marriage proposal. Except, maybe even better. He covered his mouth in a dramatic fashion, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I thought you'd never ask," the rhythm guitarist commented after removing his hands from his face. He wiped the corner of his eye, as if he was on the verge of tears. Which he wasn't far from. He had always wanted to be an official member of the group, but didn't think such would end up happening. Hayley rolled her eyes over Taylor's actions, Zac continued to grin, Jeremy and Josh both just kind of stared at Taylor.

"Yes or no?" Josh asked, giving Taylor's shoulder a small punch.

"Of course, I'm surprised you even need to ask. As if I would ever say no. You guys could have randomly made me an official member without asking me and I can assure you that I wouldn't have protested."

And then they all celebrated with eating more pizza and soda than their bodies could ever want. Most people would be celebrating with alcohol, but that wasn't really their thing (mainly because Josh was around and would scold them for it). Especially while on this tour, though, where they wanted to impress the headlining act more than anything else.

Just like every night where Paramore had joined the main act on their tour, Hayley joined the band during their second to last song. She sang 'Stand and Deliver' with them, the other four Paramore members joining No Doubt, playing the floor tom drum. Taylor had a bit more energy during the performance than usually. Everyone seemed to, actually. Josh did fucking cartwheels, Taylor did somersaults. They'd end up blaming the soda later on.

Only one song was left after that one. After the entire concert was over, they waited a little while to limit the chances of people running up to them and asking for pictures and all that. Not that they had anything against meeting fans, but their sugar high was definitely starting to crash.

They waited a bit longer before they head back to the bus. Everyone changed and head right for their bunks. It had been a hectic, exhausting night. And as tired as Taylor was, due to the exhaustion the show caused, along with his sugar high crashing, he couldn't sleep.

Instead, he lay in his bunk. His tiny, little bunk that was far from comfortable. He sometimes felt as if he was in a coffin when in the tight space. As far as Taylor knew, the only other person awake was the driver. But he sort of had to be awake, he was driving.

Taylor pulled the curtain of his bunk aside. The curtain was basically the only way he could have any privacy within his bunk whatsoever. Still, it's not like there was a wall that allowed him to do more of what he wanted. So masturbating on the bunk was a huge no. (He'd done so on the first tour he accompanied the band on. Yeah, never again).

But he moved his body a little bit, taking a look at the person in the bunk below him. Zac. Taylor had the top bunk on his side. Zac had the middle one, directly below him. Due to the curtain of Zac's bunk, only a little bit of his face was visible to the guitarist.

He felt creepy as he stared at his friend. Zac wasn't a cute sleeper, either. His mouth was open, he drooled. That night was no exception to his typical sleeping habits. He lay there, mouth wide, drool on his pillow. Soft snores left him. Luckily, he was not a loud snorer. If he was, he probably would have been kicked out of the band. Okay, maybe not something that bad, but snoring isn't tolerated on a bus filled with so many other people trying to get a decent night of sleep.

"What are you doing?" he heard a feminine voice ask. Immediately, Taylor looked around as if there were multiple girls on the bus.

Hayley's bunk was below Zac's, so two bunks below Taylor's. She looked up at Taylor, very little light available to make their faces visible to one another.

"Nothing. Nothing. I was just checking to see if Zac was awake. That's all," he said nervously. All Hayley did was roll her eyes, roll out of her bunk, and walk to the bathroom.

Taylor had no clue what he was doing. Why he was doing what he was doing. He pulled his own curtain back to the way it had been previously. He pulled his blankets above his body and did his very best to fall asleep. But that took quite a while.

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