He's Busy

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It was bad. Zac should have known better than to go and say almost the exact same thing as what he had said the first time around. For the second time, he claimed he had no feelings for Taylor, when that was so far from the truth.

He needed to fix things, and he needed Taylor. He was not about to allow the two of them to go another week without talking to each other. There was no need for a repeat of the week where he'd been too timid to approach Taylor that time around. Petty, I know.

So two days after that fun and eventful morning, he called him. No answer.

He called him again. No answer.

He gave it a few hours, called again. No answer. So instead of repeating that over and over again, he chose to text him.

Zac: Hey T. Text me back, maybe we can hang out tomorrow!!

It was late. But Taylor was typically awake at that time. And the message had been delivered, so it was just time to wait and see.

An hour slowly went by, and there was still no answer.

Zac: I don't know if you're ignoring me or whatever it is you're doing right now. But if your goal was to get me all nervous, you succeeded. Please text or call me back.

This time, it only took a few seconds for the three dots to appear, being the indication of Taylor typing. The dots vanished for a second, reappeared, and then were replaced by a message.

Taylor: He's busy 😘

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