I'm Not Gay

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Taylor gave it a few days, and eventually drove up to Zac's house, prepared to talk to him. But then when he saw Zac's car sitting in the driveway, he couldn't do it. He was too afraid to actually go and talk to him about all that had happened.

It was weird, in reality. And just imagining how the conversation would take place was scary to Taylor.

Zac, on the other hand, was completely lost as to what was going on. He couldn't believe any of what had happened. He always felt some sort of attraction towards Taylor. But that was really just finding him to be a very good-looking guy. He didn't think anything more of it.

About a week after all that had taken place happened, Taylor mustered up the courage to go and approach Zac. They couldn't just act like nothing had happened. They couldn't act like they were absolutely nothing more than just friends. As weird as he knew the conversation would be, it would be even weirder to have that be the elephant in the room.

With no warning, Taylor arrived at Zac's house at 6 in the morning. Technically, he wasn't exactly looking at this as him being a morning person. Because even though it was so early in the morning, it's not like he had gotten a wink of sleep the night prior.

The only reason Taylor was even still awake was because of an endless amount of caffeine in his system. He rang the doorbell, and a minute later, when there was no response, he rang it again. And again, and again, until eventually, Zac answered. Taylor's eyes were red-rimmed, his foot tapping rapidly against the mat outside Zac's front door.

"What are you doing here?" Zac asked, wrapping his arms around his bare chest after cool air flew into his house.

Without being invited inside, and without answering the drummer's question, Taylor stepped inside. He ran a hand through his already messy curls.

"What are you doing here?" Zac repeated, now a sense of frustration being shown in his tone of voice. Taylor turned, originally walking towards the living room. He stopped, a blank expression upon his face. His mouth was open, eyes drooping. Even with the abundance of coffee in his body, no sleep for two consecutive nights wasn't exactly a good look on him nor was it good for his mental state.

He didn't speak another word. Instead, he walked closer to Zac and brought their lips together. At first, Zac didn't protest. Because it felt right. To both of them. But once the younger one's conscience kicked in, he felt wrong. He felt like doing this was wrong on all levels. Most of all, he felt almost like he was taking advantage of Taylor, even though he was the one who initiated the kiss. So he stepped back, shaking his head.

"Taylor, you don't look good," he said, continuing to walk backwards. This angered the guitarist, though. He was angry over the fact that Zac continued to believe that Taylor's actions were caused by alcohol, or now, caused by whatever he was assuming.

Zac just couldn't believe any of it was happening. Plus, he didn't feel like getting his hopes up. He didn't want to so badly hope for Taylor to truly feel those things for him, only for it to be something he did only when alcohol or something else was in control.

"Stop saying that," he spoke, frustrated. He was already grumpy and cranky because of being so terribly sleep-deprived. But with that, on top of all of the frustration Zac was causing him...it was not a good combination.

"I know you don't want me, stop," Zac spoke softly.

Taylor scoffed. He didn't want Zac? Yeah, okay.

"Wow, thank you. Thank you, Zachary. Thank you so much for telling me what I want. Because I haven't been into you for fucking years. But no, you're probably using this to hide that you just really don't want to be with me. It's okay, just tell me that, dammit. You know what, you asshole? I love you. I love you. I wish I didn't. God, I wish I didn't. But I do, there, you happy?"

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