You're On

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The following day, the two of them sat in Zac's mother's driveway, the younger boy's car still parked there from the following evening. He agreed to meet with his parents, though knew for sure that it would not be just his mother and father, but likely would also be his siblings and stepdad. He knew for sure that Josh was there, considering his car was parked just beside Zac and Taylor.

"You have to talk to them," Taylor said to Zac, who had his arms crossed over his chest. He kept his eyes locked on the glove compartment. He shook his head.

"I don't have to," he insisted for the third time since the two of them had gotten into the car. It was the same thing on repeat. Taylor tried convincing Zac that the only way things could truly work was if a conversation took place. Zac insisted that talking would do more bad than good.

"Come on, Zacky boy. If you just go in, have a conversation with whoever is in there waiting for you, then...I'll fuck you when we get back to my house. Or whatever else you may want, we'll do it. It's scary, I know it is. But I'm going to be right there with you. Even holding your hand, to remind them that you're...that you like dick." Well, he wasn't wrong.

"You already fucked me. Last night. Twice. And I'm sure we would have gone a third time if not for my exhaustion. Not that I'm complaining about that, though. But I'm sore, no more of that for a few days," Zac chuckled.

"I'll suck your dick, then," Taylor responded with a dramatic pout. Zac squinted and pursed his lips.

"Fine. Let's go. Hey, do you think they'll notice your hickeys?" Zac asked nervously. Even though he was the reason for their existence.

"They might. But I don't think so," he said and adjusted the collar of his black polo shirt in an attempt to cover the marks. "They'll be focusing on you, baby," he continued pouting, and reached forward to take a hold of Zac's chin. He brought him closer, their lips meeting briefly.

They both exited Taylor's vehicle and walked to the front door of the house.

"Remember," Taylor started, "you do this, you're getting your dick sucked. So play nice."

"What if they don't?" Zac grumbled.

Taylor brought his arm around his boyfriend's shoulder and adjusted his own sunglasses. "If they're rude about it, then I'll be proud of you for talking to them. So if they're assholes to you and you keep your cool, then...I don't know. I'll figure something out. Something special for you, I suppose," he said with a little smirk. The door swung open, Josh being just a few feet in front of the couple.

"Hey," was all he managed to say. The two others reciprocated the greeting. Taylor removed his sunglasses, not wanting to be that asshole that wore them indoors. It was awkward as they made their way inside and into the family room. And Zac was correct, his family was waiting. His two older brothers, which included Josh, along with his younger brother and his younger sister were all waiting, along with his parents. Luckily, none of their partners or others who they brought to the party had joined. He really wished Hayley was there to help defend him.

He and Taylor sat on a chair that was large enough for the two of them to squeeze in. Zac reached blindly for his boyfriend's hand, which Taylor noticed. They held each other's hands tightly, the silence being terrifying.

"So..." Zac started, not knowing where to go from that one word.

"'re gay," Josh said. There was no need to beat around the bush. But his family felt as though such a mechanism was what they should have done. As if Zac hadn't come out to all of them less than twenty-four hours before, they all looked at Josh with expressions of pure surprise. His younger sister, Isabelle, even gave him a firm slap to the back of the head, earning an "ow" from him.

"Look, what he meant to say was..." their mother started, but Josh interrupted her.

"We support you, Zac. You can love girls. You can love boys. You can love both. You can love neither. I know that I'll support you, and I'm sure that everyone else will support you. I love you, Zac. You're my little brother, my best friend. You know that, right? I'm sorry if our reaction was not what was expected. I was just surprised. I just never really expected it. But we love you, regardless of who you love. Because why should that of all things determine our opinion on you? Besides, why would God care? As far as I'm concerned, He doesn't mind as long as you remain faithful to him. I support you. We support you. Because I know that this is the same Zac we've known for twenty-six years. Just one that also likes guys."

He put it better than any of the others could have, so they remained quiet. His tight grip on Taylor's hand loosened a bit, and he eventually let go of his hand and stood from the chair. He walked towards his older brother with his arms open. Josh rose to his feet as well, opened his arms, and the two embraced in the most cliché way possible. After it seemed as though they were hugging a bit too long, the rest of the family gradually joined in. And eventually, due to feeling left out, Taylor joined the group hug, that, at that point looked more like a football huddle than any sort of hug. He was just sort of latching onto the eldest brother of the family.

They all broke free of the hug, the moment becoming increasingly awkward for each second they remained that close to each other.

Just as they were about to leave, Josh stopped them from walking out the front door.

"Is this the guy you mentioned last night? You know, when you said you were in love with a guy?"

Zac nodded. Josh turned to the fellow guitarist.

"You hurt my brother, and you're going to pay for it, kid. You know I love you, but don't mess with my brother."

As if he would ever.

As the couple made their way out, they remained close. They walked hand-in-hand, knowing that they'd have to part ways for a few minutes to drive their vehicles back to Taylor's house individually.

"You have to suck my dick, you know," Zac reminded Taylor.

"Yes, idiot. I'm aware. Since you have to drive your car, meet me at my house, okay?"

"I'll race you," Zac said with a goofy little grin that Taylor had always adored.

"You're on, Zacky."

A/N: THAT'S IT. I hope you liked it. Back to writing Tayley I go, but I can imagine writing more of this. Thanks for reading :~)

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