The Last Word

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Taylor didn't speak much. He never did. But especially now in this interview between Paramore and MTV. The talking was left to Hayley and the interviewer for the most part. It was a shame that still, even after the band stressed that attention needed to be put on the other two remaining members just as much as it was put on Hayley, interviewers struggled with that. The media focused mainly on her, but Taylor didn't mind it much. That meant he didn't have to talk.

He was used to it.

The majority of the interview was spent talking about something that broke Taylor's, and his bandmates' hearts. The blog post that the brothers had posted. Well, that was just about all they talked about. The future of the band, and putting down the rumors in which Josh had started the second he posted the blogpost.

Taylor had heard from mutual friends that the message was actually just from Josh. That Zac had very little to do with it, and actually had argued with Josh about what would be said. All of the bashing of Hayley — someone all four of the other members grew up with and loved —was done by the older Farro brother. But there were many reasons for Josh to feel the way he did. Vocalizing his anger in such a way, making it public to everyone that he felt the way he did, was something the three of them found to be extremely unnecessary. So many times, they would ask him if he was okay when he definitely didn't seem so. They now assumed it was just him bottling all of his emotions up.

But Taylor was afraid to reach out to Zac and ask him about the blog post. He felt better with just assuming that it was only Josh who posted the message. Because if he were to reach out to the drummer, find out that both of the brothers felt the exact same way, he knew his heart would break into a million pieces.

So he figured maybe just assuming was best.

It was over something the band's lead singer said that got Taylor emotional.

"I really am going to miss Zac a whole lot. Zac is one of my favorite drummers in the world, and he has been since he was 13 years old. That's really going to suck. But I don't want him to ever not be happy. And if he stayed, and for me to turn around and not see him happy, that would suck worse than not seeing him at all. I think that will be the hardest part to get used to."

What hurt Taylor the most was that she was right. He felt so stupid for not realizing the signs when the brothers were still there. Not realizing that Zac was being brought down by just being in the group. The smile that was once on his face following each show had vanished. Instead of being eager to perform, he seemed more excited to go back to the bus later that night.

She went on, talking about how they were lucky to have found an incredible drummer to replace him for the time being. Taylor didn't pay too much attention while she spoke. But he did realize that as much as his former best friend's departure hurt, it was for the best. Zac was tired of being in the band, and Taylor would rather let him be happy.

"No one will ever replace Zac in my heart. Zac is one of my favorite people," Hayley soon said. Taylor's jaw clenched, and he swore; his heart broke.

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