Are You Gonna Be My Love?

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{smut warning}

"You can't run for your problems forever, you know," Taylor said to Zac as the two of them sat on the cool sand of the otherwise empty beach as they viewed the sunset. Zac shrugged his shoulders and took a medium-sized grey rock that sat atop the sand. He tossed the rock into the water, flicking his wrist in an attempt to skip the rock. Instead of skipping even once, it sunk the second it hit the water. The moment felt familiar, almost like déjà vu. It took a moment of staring out to sea blankly to remember why and how it felt so familiar. Then the drummer realized: the moment they shared in New Zealand as they sat there, staring out to sea. Taylor skipped rocks with ease, and Zac failed. And all the while, Zac somehow began to fall for his best friend.

"Man, you suck at that," Taylor commented with a chuckle. "Here, let me show you," he said as he found an off-white rock that sat near where Zac had found the rock he had previously thrown. With little effort, he threw the rock into the lake water, the item skipping twice before sinking.

"You need to teach me to do that," Zac said, nudging Taylor in the shoulder.

They sat there quietly for a minute. After a moment, Taylor spoke up.

"Who was it that you were talking about?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Zac asked in response, not knowing what he was referring to.

"When you came out. You said that you liked someone. Well, you actually said that there was a guy that you loved. Who?"

Taylor knew that there was a strong chance that the guy Zac had spoken of in his coming out was him. But it was best to be sure.

"Nobody. Nobody. It was just...I was trying to get my point across," he lied. He didn't even lie well.

"Is it me?"

"No! Why would!" Zac responded, becoming a blushing, flustered mess.

"It's me, isn't it?" Taylor asked again, grinning this time. Zac sighed.

"Yes. Yes, it's you. But T, I...I don't know. I haven't dated in a long time. And I've never dated guys. I've been with girls, which I now realize wasn't meant to be, and was also a bit forced. I was in denial, I guess. I can't say I never had the thought. But I just pushed it to the back of my mind. But, let's not talk about that. Not right now. I've got a question for you now, Yorkie. When are you going to come out to your family?"

"Already done, Zacky. Since I was with Nick, I decided to tell them. He was my first official boyfriend and he had helped me in coming out. It was tough, but I guess the only positive that came out of dating him was that I most likely would not have come out yet if not for him."

Though glad that he'd received assistance in coming out to his family, Zac wasn't too keen on talking about Taylor's ex-boyfriend. Luckily, Taylor didn't seem to be too fond of such a topic either, so all was well.

Again, the two of them sat there quietly. The only noise that surrounded them was the sound of the small waves each time they crashed against the shore.

"Wanna be my boyfriend?" Taylor asked casually. It came as a surprise to the other.

"What?" he asked in disbelief.

"Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" he repeated, still so casual that one would think it's something he asked regularly.

"No, I heard you. I heard you fine. you mean that?" Zac asked, still shocked.

"Yeah," he responded calmly. Still, he acted like it was no big deal.

"I mean...I'm not too good with relationships. I don't want this to ruin our friendship, if things don't work out. Just promise that if things don't work out, you'll still be my friend."

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