Morning, Sunshine

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8:15 A.M.

Morning, sunshine

Dude I've been awake for thirty minutes

Oh. What have you been doing this whole time?

Lying in bed. Relaxing. Till the text came. Knew you were still asleep.

How have we just met each other yesterday and already know so much?

You love me for that, I'm charming that way, Bucky.

Not charming.

Oh? I'm hurt.


Ha! Nicely done Buck.

Anyway, what's the agenda of the day, Miss J?

I actually thought you had the plan, Bucky. You are the tour guide.

Tour ended yesterday. And plus,

Plus what?

Do I really look like a guy with a plan?


Buck, Did you just?

Quoted a Joker reference? Maybe I did, Maybe I didn't.

You don't do that. I'm miss J.

Well why do you miss this J person?

Oh, ha. Real good joke there, Buck, so Authentic. So fresh.

I could do without the sarcasm.


Look at this.

At what?

We've known each other 24 hours and we have our first argument.



Okay, buck.


Yeah. Okay. Back to the point. Agenda?


Well I'm not gonna leave till tomorrow so brunch at your place?

Leave? That got me thinking.



Oh, sorry. Sue will be home today. Also, leave? Tomorrow? What?

Perfect! See you then😉 Mwah

She didn't reply since.

That scared me a bit there.

My newlyfound bestfriend leaves tomorrow.

Kay, what?

Also, this is a first. I don't host guests often.

Okay, I don't host guests ever.

I started to panic.

In a white tank top and really fresh short boxer shorts, I made my way downstairs.


"Jessie's coming over?"

God, how does she know this one? I get that she figures out everything but what's to figure out here? Also, Jessie?

"How the hell do you know?"

"Don't worry, dear, I got it. Extra pancakes. Five times the bacon, three times the omelette, a dash of corned beef and wheat loaves should satisfy you both."



"Now, freshen up, Grayson, she's on her way. Shower quick quick quick!"

Grayson? Sue's a grayson. We're fucking cousins.

No, not fucking, more like, we're fap-to-each-other cousins. It's uncomfortable but it's more accurate.

Anyway. Shower. Go.

Like I once mentioned, I take time in the shower. Gotta make this a five minute one.

I was halfway through when I heard the main door creak open and the sojnd of both of them greeting each other the way girls do.

And then started the chitchat.

"Art's still in the shower." I could barely make out Sue's voice.

"Oh that's okay, we can wait here."

"HEY AQUAMAN! HURRY UP YOUR DATE'S HERE!!" And another nickname for Arthur Grayson

"SHUT IT SUE!! HI JESS..." I yelled through the door.

"Hi, Bucky."

"Ooh. Bucky. What a nickname. TELL ME MORE!" Sue teased.


"Better hurry up, Bucky!!" Jess said, playing along knowing how it would irk me.

Rush out of the bathroom, roll on a deo, wore another white shirt, some shorts,

Hair. Make sure it looks good. Hair is important. We all know what happened to Adam Levine that one time.

I rushed downstairs.

But I forgot my feet were wet and the wooden floor was waxed shiny.

So yeah.

You do the math.

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