Chapter 2

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Vanessa's POV--


"So, it's your big day hey?" Gravis asked, my back was turned to him as I finished making tea.

"Yup, it's the big day. Hope I don't let dad down..sugar?" I asked setting our cups on the table in front of him.

"Ya ya please, what do you mean let him down?"

I turned to grab the sugar from a cupboard, and grabbed a spoon with it, "Well what if I don't get into Slytherin?" I asked, sitting down at the table, rearranging my cape so it wasn't pulling on my neck.

"Oh, haha," Gravis laughs, I smile. "You know, he an I already talked about that. Of course he wants you in Slytherin, we all know you will get along with the kids in there. But, you gatta know, your father only cares if you are happy and safe. Doesn't matter if you're put into Slytherin, or Gryffindor, or Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. " Then Gravis started laughing. I looked at him, feeling my head tilt sideways a little.

"Imagine that, being put into a house and getting bullied, to have your dad go after the bullies. Man that would be hilarious!" He says, sipping his tea. "As a professor's daughter, you will at least have his support no matter what happens. And with you're attitude, as I know you, the other professors will love you!" I smile at his words.

"Thanks, Gravis." I smile. He fakes a pout.

"How come you never call me Uncle anymore?" He pretended to start crying. I laugh. "Ouch.." He says, then laughs.

"I dunno, just kinda stopped. But you're still an uncle to me Gravis.

"I would hope so." He says, matter-of-fact-ly. I roll my eyes.

"You hungry?" I ask him, he shakes his head.

"Naw, already ate." He said, finishing off his tea. "Do you need a lift?" I nodded.

"I wouldn't mind not walking haha" I laugh. He smiles and stands.

"Well, we better get you loaded an ready." He says, grabbing some of my luggage an walking towards the door.

We loaded my things into his car, an then he held the door open for me.

"My Lady," he said, bowing. I laughed, thanked him and got into the passenger seat.

"Off to the train!" He yelled excitedly, an we drove off.

Yeeeeeesh, I'm actually going!


Sorry this chapter was so short, I have soooo many perfect ways this story could go! It's sometimes hard to pick just one idea and go with it! Doing the best I can! 

PLEASE TELL ME if I get any details wrong (according to castle looks, professor names/descriptions/ anything!!)


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