Chapter 4

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Vanessa's POV--


This Draco boy is weird, a little rude, an we could possibly be friends? I have no idea. Though I have a feeling my father know's him, as his father's name sounds familiar.... Lucius.. Ugh.

So, now here is the fun part. Magic is awesome. We all pour off the train an go to Hogwarts and la dee da. You know the jist.

The school is huge, and beautiful just like I remember it. Absolutely amazing! I can't believe that I will basically be living here for the next couple of years!! I wonder what adventures it holds for me!

Soon enough, we all pile together, and stare at a older woman who just blankly stares at us. I smile, I know her. As the professor awaits us, I try to figure out her name but for the life of me I can't remember. She smiles down at us, looking us over, and stops when she makes eye contact with me. She tilts her head then smiles. 

"Vanessa!" She says, waving, "good to see you again!"

"Good to see you too Miss! Looking great!" I tell her, she brushes it off an winks. Draco shifts beside me.

"You know her?" He asks, I nod.

"Long story,"

"Should tell me sometime" he smirks, an steps over to his friends. The professor explains a few things to us, and then leads us down some of the corridors, and comes at a stop to the doors of a very, and I mean very, large dining hall. At the far end is a long table with all the professors sitting, facing the students. Then, there are four long tables that are parallel to each other.  These don't face the teachers, but are side by side like strips on a bar code. Ya know? There are candles that are hovering at the ceiling, and the ceiling changes colors, shapes, and scenes. Pretty amazing if you ask me. 

So, we are standing here, all piled up, waiting to be sorted. I see a lot of faces, but can't see Draco's. Oh well. It's still exciting to see what house I'll end up in. I honestly don't know which house I'd want to be in. Slytherin is where my dad was, but Gryffindor sounds pretty cool. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff kinda sound weird but I bet they are cool too. Oh well, whatever I get, I'll be happy with. 

The hat does it's thing while I look around at the professors... Hey it's dad!
As I see my dad sitting among the other professors. He notices me, and I can see the corners of his lips curl into a small smile. I smile back, and then I catch Dumbledore's gaze. I smile at him too, which he slightly nods his head, and moves his hand in a small gesture of raising it, which is meant as a hello. 

I turn back to watch the sorting process, watching all of the kids who go up to be sorted. 

"Draco Malfoy"

Draco walks up to the chair an sits, whilst the hat is placed upon him. Not even a moment later, the hat shouts "Slytherin!" An the blonde boy smiles his smirk, the Slytherin house cheers and he goes to take his seat.

A group of other kids were called up: Harry, Ron....Hermione I believe, and a bunch others. Then, it's finally my turn. 

"Vanessa Snape!"

My name was called, I kinda wished they hadn't said my last name cause I got A LOT of gasps and stares as I walked up. I sat on the chair, and the hat was placed upon my head. Obviously no one knew, other than the professors. 

"Miss Snape, I've waited for this what a hard choice... Gryffindor or Slytherin.." He paused.

Slytherin.. The words run through my head. I'd take after my father, and be with Draco. That'd be cool.

"Goin for the bad boys huh? SLYTHERIN!" He shouts, tho it leaves me confused. What does he mean, goin for the bad boys?

I hope down from my seat, as the Slytherin house cheers, an as I'm walking up, I see Draco. He smiles, and reaches his arm out.

"Come sit here!"

I smile at him, and take the seat beside him that he offers. Crabbe and Goyle smirk and whatnot, and make a side comment directed towards me, but is immediately silenced when Draco looks over at them. The boys and girls around me are all laughing, smiling, and sticking their hands out to greet me.  Then I recognized one. 

"Jackson!" I say, smiling, and the black haired boy with blue eyes who sat across from me, smiled.

"Hey Vessy."


Oh me gersh, mystery boy hey??? haha

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