Chapter 23

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Vanessa's POV --

I sat on my bed as Lucy stared off into space on my bedcover, soft sniffles escaped her as she silently cried. She's one of the most bubbly people I know, so I hadn't even known that she was capable of being upset.

She refused to speak for what felt like a lifetime, inaudible mutterings left her mouth but she was unable to make complete words. I had taken her hand, and sat quietly, feeling her tremble.

The room slowly filled itself with the other female students, who mingled for a while and then slowly they retired to bed.

Lucy and I sat upon my bed well into the night, sitting in utter silence. To be honest, it got extremely boring but I wasn't about to make a fuss. If she needed, we could (an would) sit here until dawn.

And thats exactly what did, except when the moon came up to the highest point, Lucy laid down putting her head in my lap. She silently sobbed some more, then fell asleep.

It was dawn when she woke, and she sat up and looked me square in the face. Her eyes searched me for something, but I couldnt tell you what it was. Having seemed satisfied with what she found, she gave a weak smile.

"Can I tell you later? I just..." she broke off, her voice catching in her throat. I smile and nod.

"I'm taking Hagrid's place again today for afternoon, and I have to stay later to care for the animals. I'll be alone, so if you like, then that would be the best time." I give her a reassuring smile, which she weakly returns before walking off.

Going to sleep would ve pointless at this time, so I got up and did my morning routine. And having the extra time also meant that I could pop over to Hagrid's and get the plan of what I'm teaching the class today and if theres any special duties I gatta do.


I sat at the table waiting for the rest of the students to file in. It was supremely boring and the non-stop boy drama gossip from the girls around me was growing irritatingly tedious.

Trying to block out the absurdity of the conversations, I let my mind wonder off. My thoughts continue to drift from subject to subject until I was so rudefully disrupted by someone plotting their butt across from mine and snapping their fingers in my face. I nearly smacked em.

It was Lucy. And boy was she not impressed. I gave her a look but she merely shook her head and crossed her arms...and I'm 99% sure she pouted but it was barely visible.

Tyson joined us, but he quickly noticed Lucy's mood and decided it was wise to just avoid communication with her.

Breakfast was started soon thereafter, and then the owls came to deliver the mail.

Marlow dropped something infront of me, it was an evelope. The righting was peculiar but I immediately recognized it.

"Oh my god."

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