Chapter 24

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Vanessa's POV-

"Oh my god. "

I couldnt speak anymore than that,  the entire world around me seemed to dull out compared to what i was starting at. 

"What's that?" Tyson asked curiously.  I opened my mouth and closed it, dumbfounded.  I look up to my dad across the room,  and see him staring at me,  a almost worried expression on his face. I gave him a smile, and it seemed to work. He gave me  sideways glance before smiling back.

"It's nothing important at the moment." I lie, biting my lip. I stuffed the evelope into my pocket as Lucy eyes me suspiciously.

I give her an awkward smile, and she rolls her eyes. She knows full well I'm lying but she continues to play along with it.

After breakfast I'll need to find dad.


I walked quietly down the hallway, through the hustling crowd of students making their slow march to classes. It was irritating, as I was in a hurry to find dad before seeing Hagrid.

Several students bumped into me, which I met with stern glares. And surprisingly enough, they would shy away like cowards. Apparently being Snape's daughter, and a mastermind of Dark Arts made me someone to be feared. Not that I mind, I'd rather be the brave and fierce woman  than weak and cowardly.

It wasn't long til I spotted my dad's black, thick hair marching above the rest. Unfortunately, he disappeared behind a corner, but I knew where he was headed. That corner took him to his classroom.

I followed him, an entered the classroom as he was just sitting down to his desk. He looked up at me, sitting back and crossing his arms as I walked up. I held the letter in my hands, nervously trying to decide whether I should read it aloud or let him read it.

He put his hand out, and I handed it over.

"What's this?" He asks, eyeing the writing.

"Remember that thing I applied for last year? During the Triwizard Tournament?" I say. He looks up at me. "That's the Ambassador's handwriting if im not mistaken." I say, my fingers itching to rip open the letter.

"Are you opening it?" He asks. I pause for a moment, my heart beating wildly. "I'm assuming it's good news as he isnt one to write rejection letters." He says.

I take a deep breath and nod. He was about to open it, but students starting filing in, early I might add.

He pauses for a moment, and then quickly hands it back to me.

"Open it somewhere quiet, an then let me know." He whispers. I nod.

"I'll excuse you from your morning classes." He says, louder. "I understand you must meet Hagrid early, in relation to afternoon sessions." He says, going to his paperwork.

"Thank you." I say, nodding and exiting the room.

Maybe I'll open it with Lucy later.

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