Chapter 19

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Vanessa's POV--

I sat beside Lucy at dinner, and we chatted quietly at the party. We discussed what to wear, as we did have some regular clothing other than our school uniforms. A boy, who looked to be the same year as us, looked over at me. I hadn't even noticed until I heard one of the boys beside him roughly nudge him and make a hoot noise. I glanced over at him, and the boy's face turned bright red. 

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to speak to him, as another girl sat down directly infront of us and started to talk. She rambled on about the party, and about the boys who may or may not be there. I wasn't really paying attention, until I heard the one thing I never wanted to hear.

"Oooo! Maybe Draco will be there!" She exclaimed, I immediately look at her. Her face was blushing profoundly, and the brightest sparkle in her eye made me want to strangle her throat. How could she like Draco???

Instead of saying anything, I waited the few more minutes before we were allowed to start leaving, and immediately got up and walked away. 

"Wha....Hey! Vanny wait!" I hear Lucy's thick accent calling out after me, I hear the shuffle of her feet and the few scoffs from others whom I assume she bumped into. She came to walk beside me, putting her hand on my shoulder. I don't know whats up with me, honestly. I know she suspects that I have...feelings...for Draco but I think she's wrong. I'll prove it.

I'll meet someone else, someone at the party. I just know it. 


Lucy sat on my bed as I brought out clothing after clothing for her to decide what I was wearing. It took a while, but we finally agreed on the dark blue skinnies, with a white tanktop, and a black cardigan that came to the back of my knees. I put on my knee-high leather boots and my beanie. She wore white skinnies, a blank tank under a blue flannel cardigan with runners and her hair up.

Then came the next part, and as much as I protested, I finally let in and let her put makeup on me. She kept it simple, liquid eyeliner on the top with small wings to make my eyes bigger and rounder, with mascara, and then used some eye shadow in my eyebrows to give it more structure without looking like the fake new fab.  She went full out with longer wings, and a actually stunning gold eyeshadow for her  eyes. 

It was 9pm when we finally went down to the party, it was just outside in a small clearing over to one side of the castle. Just on the edge of the trees, a group of students already had gathered around a fire. Lucy and I went, grabbed some drinks, and then went to stand by the trees. 

The night was amazing, there was laughter, music, and so many people doing stupid things. 

I wasn't until the fire was lit even higher than I noticed a pair of eyes were watching me. 

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