Chapter 1

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Vanessa Snape's POV--

Jeez, today is the day. is the day. I think to myself, as I run my fingers over my wand. I have all of my supplies, even a black bird, and dad even is letting me get a snake later on to help me settle in.

I go back to thinking about what I used to call, The Day. I remember specifically the one where dad and I made pancakes, and he kept using magic. And we played games....and after supper I had chocolate cake. It makes me sad, but at the same time it makes me happy to see how far I have come.

I hear a knock at my bedroom door, and I get up to open it. There behind, stands my solemn faced father. I smile, and he smiles back.

"You look very good in your uniform my dear. " He says, my smile fades. "What's wrong" He asks.

"I don't know what to do dad, I'm going to miss you." I say as tears start to flow and he brings me in for a hug. I realize he works there, but it'll be so much different than living with him. And I'm sure I'll get picked on cuz I'm a Professor's daughter.

But lets be real here, this one is thee coolest professor at the whole school! And the best dad!

Thinking if this, with him hugging me, my mood brightens. I'll be okay, and he'll be there when I need him.

"I'll always be there when you need me, you know where I'll be. I've shown you around before." He says, I smile.

Yes, that's true. Dad took me a couple times when I was little to see his classroom. The Seven Year kids liked me much better than the First Year. They just looked at me like I was the Devil's spawn.

I break away from him, and wipe away my tears. I could go with dad his normal way to the school or I could go in traditionally. I decided on tradition.

"Why are you ready so very early?" He asked suddenly. I smiled at him.

"I couldn't sleep, an plus I wanted to have breakfast with you before you leave." I say, see the thing is that my dad leaves alot earlier than me. An now that I'm old enough to be living by myself (in his eyes I'm old enough) he doesn't have to commute back an forth everyday from the school. Now that i'm going too, we are both to be living at the school. In the holidays and summer we will come back home.

"Well, let's go have breakfast." He said, putting an arm around me an we go downstairs.

We make some eggs, bacon, toast and have some strawberry jam. Best breakfast ever.

After we finish, I stand by the door as dad sets down his things. It feels like abandonment, its true. But I know the real story.

"I'll see you there." He says, his solemn face coming back on. I smile.

"Yes dad!" I say, an wave him off. "Be safe!" I shout as he puts his luggage in his trunk of his old, dark coloured car. Much like a crown Victoria from 64'.

"You too Darling!" He shouts back an drives off. I stand on the porch just a few minutes longer, and right as I'm turning back a voice catches me.

"Where has that ignorant old man gone now! Just leaving a child!" A woman shrieks. I roll my eyes.

"Morning, Miss Blant." I say, an go to shut the door. She barges in.

"What an imbecile. Leaving a child alone! Abandoning her!" She says, I spin on my heels and point my finger at her.

"I've already told you, he has to make the early trip to be there before student's get there or start class. This time you wont see us for a whole year!!" I chirp and dance. She crosses her arms.

"Oh? You think he can just abandon you again an that I'd let him come back for you?!" She rolled her eyes.

"Want some tea?" I ask. Ignoring her.

"Young lady!"

"Tea?" I ask again.

"Don't dismiss me little girl!" She shrieks and I roll my eyes. I put some water on the stove.

A knock on the door distracted me, an I opened it.

"Mr. Gravis! Come in!" I chirp, Mr. Gravis is my other neighbour who I love dearly. He always makes sure to check in on me when he knows da isn't home. Especially around breakfast and supper. He smiles, then groans when he sees Mrs. Blant.

"Jeez lady. It's finally her day to attend the school and you gatta ruin it by showing up!" He says, an when Mrs. Blant glares at him, he smirks.

She huffs and storms out. I laugh.

"Tea Gravis?" I ask, he brightens.

"I would love some!" He says, then holds up a bag. "I even have cinnamon buns." I smile, yummmyyy.

Sorry it's so long! Haha hoping to make long-ish chapters instead of small short ones!

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