8: Shopping

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Lucy POV
Finally, the case is over. I'm free! Today's the weekend so I can go to sleep and have peace.

As I sit down on the dining table eating breakfast I have a call. I answered it even though it wasn't on my contacts.

"Hello? Lucy?"

"Um, Yeah. Who's this?"

"Oh. It's Erza, Sorry that I didn't give you mine"

"It's fine. So what's up?"

"Do you wanna go to town with me and Levy?"

"Yeah! I'll get ready now!"

"Okay, We'll go over to your house"

"Okay, See ya!"
Then I ended the call. I put my lacrima phone back in my pocket. Yay! I can go shopping with my friends now, I don't need to stay in the house. If I stayed home, I'll be sitting down watching the TV. It'd be boring but I do tend to be lazy.

I hop off the seat and ran to my bedroom. I stripped off my clothes and folded them neatly. My maids don't really help me change because they said I also need to learn how to take care of myself.

I opened my wardrobe and chose my clothes. I lay them on my bed so I can check if it's a good outfit or not. *starree*

It's perfect!

I chose my denim ripped skinny jeans which was only ripped on the knee, a white sweater with laces sewed on the bottom of it. Then I wore my black boots, just above the ankle. To finish off my outfit, I add a  silver necklace with a pendant shaped as an key.

"Open, Gate Of The Crab, CANCER!"

Cancer appears in front me.

"What do you need now, Miss Lucy-ebi"

"Can you do my hair? I want the original please"


He stands behind me and uses his scissors as claws. They cut places of my hair to make it neat, I'm not trying to say my hairs messed up!

Then he lifts my hair up so they all meet at the side of my head. I pass him a white ribbon and he takes it gratefully. Cancer wraps it around the ponytail and makes a ribbon. My hairs done now and it looks...GREAT!

"Thanks Cancer! :)"

"Your welcome miss Lucy-ebi"

Then he disappears in thin air. Now, all that's left to do is to get my bag. After, I grab my bag and run downstairs. My mum was sitting down on the chair. She turned around and asked me,"Where are you going?", while sipping her coffee.

"I'm going shopping with my friends"

"Oh, In that case, You can have a ride!"

"Thanks mum! You're always the best"

She presses the button on the remote and in a few seconds a limo arrived with Virgo in it. I thanked mum again and walked over to the limo.

"Hello Princess, Punishment time?"

"Don't call me princess and no! Let's wait for my friends, they're coming too"


I groan. I don't like being called princess because I'm not one. I'm just a rich teenager.

While waiting, I look at the keys around my hips to check if that dragon wants me to open his gate.
No signs though so he doesn't want me to. I really want to ask him lots of questions! He didn't even get permission from me >o<.

"Lucy/Lu-chan!!", Erza and Levy called.
I open the car window and gesture them to come in but there was also one more girl with them. I took a look at her...

Oh! I remember now, she was the girl who got me wet. Juvia,I think it was. Erza didn't tell me she was coming with us.

"Sorry, I didn't tell you that Juvia was coming. She said she wanted to make up with you for what she did to you in form", Erza informed.

"Juvia is sorry and wants to make up with you!", Juvia says.

They all sit down in the limo and Levy closed the door. She's been silent lately. As soon as she closed the door, Virgo turned the engine on and the vehicle started moving.
I pop my earphones inside my ears and listen to a song.
*play song*
I hummed the song. I think my friends noticed because Levy moved up next to me and took one of my earphones. She started humming to the song too. Erza and Juvia just gave us confused looks.

Since they were confused, I took the earphones out for them to hear. Then they started singing to it. Meanwhile, Levy was still holding the earphone wondering why the sound got louder and why the cable felt loose.
I'm lucky to have friends like these.
I didn't have friends like these in my previous school. I'm glad to have went to FTA out of all the schools there are.

Natsu POV
My gang are going out today. We're just going to the arcade and ice princess wants to go buy her girlfriend a present. I don't know what it is but I bet it's crap.

*timeskip-5 minutes*

My sister's with Grandine so she'll be fine. I finally arrived at town. Oh Sweet ground!! I kiss the floor repeatedly while people around me give me disgusted looks. I wore a red flannel with a plain short-sleeved top, black trousers that end up at my knees and timberland boots. The usual hair as always. I wore a black beanie with it that says 'dragon' on it.

"Hey Flamebrain, how long are you gonna be a dog?",ice princess asked.
I turned around and saw my gang with ice princess crossing his arms.
I stood up and engulfed my fist with flames.

"Oi Ice Princess, How long are you gonna stand naked?", I replied. The people around us were covering their faces so that they couldn't see him naked. Gray looked at himself and ran around but that made the situation worse.

"Let's just ditch the stripper",Gajeel said in a bad mood as always. So we walked away from him. Then a few moments later, the police handcuffed him and brought him to the station to ask for questions.

Gray POV
I ran around noticing that I was naked but when I looked over to my friends they weren't here. I could see them in the distance walking away.

A few moments later, the police came up to me with handcuffs.
"You're under arrest for nudity",the police stated as he pushed me inside the car.

As soon as we arrived, they escorted me to a dark room with a flickering light on the ceiling. I sat down on one of the chairs surrounding a iron table. While I was waiting, a man with shades and a notebook with a pen walked in. He sat on the seat opposite me.

"Why are you naked?", He asked me.

"It's a habit of mine, I don't notice I'm naked until my gang tells me that I am"

"Okay, don't ever do it again in public or you're going to jail!"

Then they removed the handcuffs and let me go. The police handed me some clothes so I can't strip anymore in public. Well, that was easy and simple. ._.

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