18: Can I fight with you?

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Natsu POV
As I enter the arena for my battle with 'sting', I look at the audience. People holding flags and signs, jumping, cheering....and booing?

"GO STING GO", the audience cheered.

"Go back to where you came from you fairy weaklings!", most of the audience shouted as they throw rubbish into the arena...at me.

This is my first try at this game. But we will be the one to change their mind. I will try my hardest because...


I stand there with my legs apart with my fist engulfed with the flames of excitement.

*snap* *snap* *snap*

Ahh. That flash hurts. Who's taking pictures of me?


Another picture. I look at where the flash was from. Looking at blurry figures on the balcony for fairy tail.

I can't see them clearly because of that flash. I walk randomly without knowing the attack that was coming.

"-and Mr. Dragneel is letting his guard down!!", the MC states.

What? I've got a bad feeling. I feel something coming closer.
A fist collides with my chest. Painfully, I get thrown into the wall.

It doesn't hurt a lot. I've had more pain in the past.

By remembering those bad moments, I realised I shouldn't let myself down. Especially, in a place like this.

I open my eyes.

Oh,it was a dream. Well, at least I have a chance now.
So first, I know that the first to make a move fails. I'll wait for him to attack me.

To lure him in, I'll pretend I'm not paying attention to our battle.

Plan A: Look around the arena planning to distract him. Wave at one of the people in the audience.

Plan B: Just doing whatever I do best. Be me.


As I look around at the audience, trying to find a person to wave at.

Oooohh. I found my mate.
I look at her, shockingly. Then, I smile at her.

"Hey",I grinned,"...Luce!".

It took her a while to notice me. She was looking all around to see who was speaking to her.

Once she saw me, Lucy gave me a surprised look. She was holding her camera in front of her chest.

Oh. And yes. I did realise that she was the blurry figure I was trying to see. Silly Lucy for blinding me.

I played charades with Lucy to tell her my plan. My plan just changed slightly now.

Lucy POV
As I waited for the battle to begin, I hear a voice. It sounded like a man. But it was kind of loud that I couldn't heard it through all the crowds cheering.

"Hey", the voice said,"...Luce!"

That's how I knew who was calling me. There's only one person who calls me by that nickname and in that way.


I looked at him and blushed. I-It's not like I wanted to blush. My
b-body j-just does these things.

Once I saw him, he started doing charades.

First, he tried to imitate my position of me holding my camera. Natsu tries to pretend he's getting blinded by a flash by looking as if he's...mental?

Second, he points at his opponent, Sting Eucliffe, signalling me to distract him. That's when our plan starts.

*tug* *tug*

"Lucy, what's happening?", Wendy asks as she tugs on my shirt.

"Your brother's just telling me what to do, that's all", I reply looking at the battle about to begin.

Hope Natsu's plan doesn't fail. After all, I've got to repay him for sheltering me in the rain before. And for blinding him. Oops.

I get prepared for action.

Natsu pretends he's still talking to me so I wave back.

"Having a chat with that chick there, are you?", Sting says as he smiles confidently.

"Perhaps, Natsu would like to drag himself and kneel before me, hahaha!"

Trust me. Sting's puns are terrible.

Anyway, the first one to make a move first was him.

This gave Natsu the spotlight.
Sting launches himself towards him but too bad.

Natsu's got it all covered. Come on! I trust him more than you do. After all, he's my partner.


n-not in that w-way.

cough cough.  So back to their battle, do you know how Natsu got it all covered up?

He covered Stings fist with his own hand. In fact, he should've burned it already with his fist going wild with red flames.

Unfortunately, it seems like Sting is inflammable. It's just not shockproof though.

As long as it caused damage, I don't need to worry.

I believe Natsu can do it. I know that...HE'S ALL FIRED UP.

Standing on the balcony, I make the fairy tail sign with my hand. I put my hand in the air and cheer for him.

"Natsu! Natsu! Natsu! Natsu!", I cheered, not realising that Wendy is asleep. She sleeps on the cold stone benches. Must be rough. Wendy's such a cute sleeper. Just like her brother.

These lovable idiots.

Natsu POV
I wait for Sting's next move because my attack seemed ineffective.

As our battle carries on, I hear a sweet, angelic voice in the background cheering for me.

Oh, I think that I found myself a cheerleader. She's always right there when I need her.

I smirked at Lucy, knowing she'll get flushed. Her rosy, pink cheeks. Her smile keeps me going.

I don't want to see her crying again.
I'll protect that smile.

So I'm fighting this battle for her. As long as she's watching me.

I'm not going to forget my little sister either. She's my only sibling left.

Still, I wonder what's happening in the outside world. I bet Gray's arrested for stripping again.

Sorry for da late update! I just came back. Btw. Please don't forget to follow my Instagram-(animetwist) and my tumblr-(amvtwist).

Star X

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