Just Friends

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She walked up to him and smiled. He grinned back at her and her spirits lifted. She’d liked him for three years and she finally had the courage to ask him out.

“Hey Alex.” He greeted happily.

“Hey Ryan.  Are you okay?” She replied.

“I’m amazing.” He replied still grinning.

“What’s got you in such a great mood?” She asked him with a curious expression on her face.

“I’m in love.” He replied blushing slightly.

Her breath hitched. Could it be? Is he in love with me? Her thoughts were so hopeful.

“I never pegged you for the type that would fall in love.” She teased trying to keep her emotions in check.

“Really?” He replied smiling sheepishly.

“Well yeah I mean, no offence, but you were the one who had the most girls out of our whole group.” Alex told him.

“I think that Andrew has had more than me.” Ryan defended pouting slightly. He looked so adorable and she couldn’t help but smile.

“Well my brother is a special case.” She replied laughing and he instantly joined in.

“You do look a lot more joyful today though.” Alexis admitted smiling.

“That’s the way love goes.” He sung completely off key.

“Ryan, please don’t do that... ever again.” She told him seriously.

“You don’t like my singing skills?” He asked pretending to be hurt.

“Don’t act like you’re hurt. Everyone knows you’re crap at singing.” She replied and he stuck out his tongue at her then they became completely quiet. Ryan looked as if he was thinking about someone.

“Can I ask who it is?” Alexis asked. He turned his attention to her.

“Only if you want to though. If you want to keep it a secret; its fine.” She babbled but Ryan waved a hand in dismissal.

“I kinda have to tell you anyway.” He admitted.

“What do you mean?” She asked, her heart speeding up. Alexis licked her suddenly dry lips and looked at the face of her long time friend and crush waiting in anticipation for him to speak.

“I didn’t realise my feelings for her. She’s always around but like I just never noticed. Alex it’s all down to you that I asked Stella out. I remember you told me last year that when I finally found my other half, I shouldn’t let her go. I took your advice and now I’m in a perfect relationship. You’re the best friend anyone could ever have!” Ryan exclaimed giving her a side hug.

“You’re welcome.” She replied with forced enthusiasm. Ryan didn’t seem to realise her inner turmoil; he was too excited.  Alexis smiled weakly and tried not to let show how much her heart was breaking.

“Can you imagine that Stella thought that something was going on between us? How crazy is that?” He asked laughing.

“Crazy.” She replied weakly.

“I had to reassure her that we were just friends.” He remarked and she accidentally let a strangled noise escape from her.

“Sorry. Best friends.” He corrected himself with a wink and she smiled back.

“Where’s your brother? I need to tell him the good news as well.” He asked and she pointed in a direction before watching him run off.

She sat down on a nearby bench feeling completely deflated. She refused to cry. Why would she? This was the story of her life. Alexis Johnson had never had a boyfriend even though she was sixteen years old. Nobody could see her as a girl. She was one of the boys as far as they were concerned.

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