Just Friends (2)

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Vincent woke up and looked at the girl sleeping peacefully beside him. He glanced at the clock on the bedside table and saw the time was three in the morning. Time to make an exit. He got out of the bed quietly making sure not to wake the girl up. He was tempted to write a little note saying that he had fun but it wasn’t too great if he was being honest. He quickly got into his clothes and walked out to his car. It was his usual routine.

He drove down to his apartment and went into the shower. He stood under the warm spray and sighed. He was starting to grow tired of sleeping with so many girls. He didn’t consider himself to be a player but that’s what he was called by his friends. He was simply misunderstood. He just didn’t want a relationship with a girl that he didn’t love. There was only one girl that he loved and nobody else could compare to her.


She was his one true love. Well maybe not love but something very close to that. They’d gone out briefly but she had ended it claiming that they were better as friends. She made him feel so much better about himself. She didn’t pity him at all. The only thing she did wrong was be with everyone else. She had so many different on and off boyfriends. She was convinced that she loved them all. Vincent could see from the get-go of each relationship that it wasn’t going to work out but his warnings were pointless. She would date them, sleep with them and once they’d dumped her, she would run to Vincent to pick up the pieces.

She asked him on numerous amounts of times to sleep with her because she needed to feel like she was wanted. She wanted to be held. She needed to be needed. She didn’t want to be loved... well at least not by Vincent. He was left with one night stands which ended in tears or a text from her ex saying that they wanted to give it another go. It was an endless cycle. The only guy who was constant in her life was Vincent. A constant friend.

“More like fuck buddy.” He grumbled before stepping out of the shower and towelling off.

He put on his pyjamas and slipped into his bed. Just as he was about to fall asleep, his phone’s ringtone sounded. He groaned and picked up the phone.

“Hello.” He mumbled.

“Vince, why do you sound so grumpy?” His mum asked in a disapproving tone.

“You woke me up.” He replied. It was half true.

“Well I just wanted to remind you that lunch is at three. You did remember that you were coming over today right?” She told him.

“How could I ever forget?”He remarked smiling slightly because it had completely slipped his mind.

“Yeah of course.” His mum replied sarcastically and chuckled.

“I’ll see you later honey.” She told him before hanging up. He quickly set an alarm on his phone and then slipped into a deep sleep.

He was rudely awoken by the incessant beeping of the alarm. He groaned but quickly got dressed knowing that his mum wouldn’t stop complaining if he was late.

“Well done for making it time. Your mum was ready to give you another lecture.” Jermaine, his stepdad, informed him smiling.

“I anticipated that so I made sure to give myself a lot of time to get ready.” He replied grinning.

“My son has decided to grace me with his presence I see.” My mum commented and Vincent rolled his eyes.

His mum always had something to complain about. Either he wasn’t working enough or he was working too much. She needed to make up her mind!

“It’s nice to see you too mum.” He remarked smiling before hugging her.

“Bianca, you tease him way too much.” Jermaine commented and she laughed.

“He’s used to it.” She replied and Vincent shook his head smirking.

Jermaine and Vincent started to set the table whilst Bianca, Vincent’s mum, plated up the food. The pair sat down quickly to eat as they were both ready to stuff our faces. They ate whilst updating each other on what was going on in our lives. Apparently Jermaine and his mum were all set to go on a cruise for their anniversary next month. Vincent smiled as he watched them talk with excitement. He was so glad that his mum had found someone to make her so happy.

“So honey, have you found a girl yet?” His mum asked cheerily.

“No.” Vincent replied shortly and she sighed.

“You’ve got to move on honey.” She told me softly.

“I have.” He replied clenching his jaw.

“So why are you still single?” She asked exasperated.

“He still has plenty of time to find a girlfriend.” Jermaine said quickly before Vincent could answer and he shot him a grateful smile.

“Well at least go out with Luca and Antonino more. You work too much.” She told him

“Will do.” Vincent replied shaking his head.

He left his mum’s house soon after lunch and went for a drive. He realised that he needed some things in the house so pulled into the supermarket. He quickly bought the stuff he needed and quickly left the store. A woman his age was struggling with her bags. He didn’t really want to get involved in a conversation but he couldn’t just ignore her.

“Excuse me, do you need a hand?” He asked her politely. She looked up and stared; she looked worn out but she was stunning.

“Oh no thank you; my car’s just over there. Thanks for the offer though.” She replied smiling. An independent woman huh? Vincent smiled and nodded his head in acknowledgement.

“Drive safe.” He told her before turning to go to his own car. There was a pause before he heard her soft reply.

“Thanks. You too.”  As he drove away, he smiled. Maybe it wouldn’t be so hard to find a girl after all.


Hey there! I know I said the uploads would be frequent but I've been pretty busy. I hope you liked this. If you find any mistakes, please let me know! 

Nana :)

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