Just Friends (8)

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Alexis woke up the next morning with a smile on her face. Sunlight was streaming in through the blinds in her room. She picked up her phone from her bedside table and smiled. She had an unusual amount of text messages. The first one she opened was from Tara.

You and your friend Vincent looked cute together J

She smiled and shook her head slightly whilst scrolling down to check the next message. This one was from Monique.

I know why you’ve been in such a good mood. Mr yummy masseuse guy! You cheeky minx ;)

She chuckled at that one but didn’t reply. Alexis also decided that she wouldn’t tell Monique that Vincent was also cute supermarket guy... not yet. She quickly scrolled down to the last unopened message and realise with a smile that it was Vincent.

Good morning beautiful! Sorry I didn’t text you when I got home – completely forgot. I hope you didn’t lose sleep worrying about me! ;) I had a good time last night. Wanna meet up sometime this week, say Wednesday?

Wednesday’s not really a good day for me. Another day?

Alright no problem, How about Thursday evening? J

Uggh I’m usually really swamped on Thursdays!

I feel like you’re trying to let me down softly. You don’t have to feel obligated to say yes at all, although I would be slightly disappointed,

I’m really not. It’s your fault – you’re picking my busiest days! How about we meet on Friday for lunch?

Okay sure! I’ll decide on the place and text you where to go later on the week J

She grinned and felt good about the start to the day. She had no plans for the day and she cursed herself for not suggesting to meet up with Vincent later on that day but then again, he most probably had plans already.

“What to do?” Alexis wondered aloud.

She got up, brushed her teeth and had breakfast before doing anything. Then she decided to go for a walk in the park. She picked up her iPod and keys and quickly left her house. She walked to the park and smiled as she saw the happy kids running about and couples enjoying a picnic. She continued down the path until she reached a flower garden. She sat down on one of the benches and let out a sigh. It was a beautiful day and the flowers were in full bloom.

“Alexis?” A voice called out and she glanced up.

In front of her stood Georgia with a shy smile on her face. Alexis smiled and gave a her a little wave which seemed to encourage the other woman as she came to join Alexis on the bench.  

“Why are you out here alone?” Georgia enquired.

“I could ask you the same question.” Alexis replied with a smile.

“Ryan’s just gone to get some ice cream from the cafe. Your turn.” Georgia told her.

“Truly had nothing better to do.” She admitted sighing.

Georgia looked at her curiously but before she could voice her thoughts, Ryan walked into the flower garden. His smile faltered when he realised that his fiancé wasn’t alone and that he knew the person that she was sitting next to. He approached slowly before handing one of the ice creams to Georgia.

“I feel bad now. If I had known you were here, I would have got you one. You can have mine if you want.” He suggested.

“No thanks. I was just about to leave anyway.” Alexis shook her head and smiled.

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