Just Friends (11)

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Vincent sighed as he watched her sleeping but he knew that if she stayed, things could get awkward fast so he reluctantly leaned down and shook her awake. She blinked up at him a few times and then her eyes widened.

“I fell asleep didn’t I?” She asked groaning.

“I didn’t realise TV was so boring.” He remarked grinning.

“I’m just really tired. I hardly sleep nowadays because of the amount of work I have.” She explained.

“You should really sleep more. You’re going to make yourself ill.” He chided frowning slightly.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Well I’d better go.” She told him and quickly got up from the sofa.

“Give me your car keys.” He ordered.

“Why?” She enquired frowning.

“I’m driving you home.” He told her.

“Oh you don’t need to do that.” She protested.

“I don’t want you falling asleep at the wheel. Hurry up so you can get home quickly and sleep.” He replied.

She narrowed her eyes at him but after a few moments of staring, she handed over the keys. He smiled at her and picked up his house keys before leading the way out of the house. He pressed the button to unlock the car and Alexis went to sit in the passenger seat while he locked his door. He jumped into the driver’s seat, winked at Alexis and then set off.

It didn’t take very long for them to reach her house and they both quickly got out of the car. Vincent locked the car and followed Alexis up the steps to her house. Once she had opened her front door, he handed her back her car keys with a smile.

“I had a great time. Sorry for falling asleep. I’ll talk to you later.” She told him before kissing him on the cheek and closing the door. Alexis walked into the office with a million things running in her head. She had a headache and she was annoyed at herself for falling asleep last night. She didn’t want Vincent to get the wrong idea. Monique was all business today as it was Wednesday; one of the busiest days of the week at the company. Alexis smiled at her tightly before making her way into her office, knowing that she wouldn’t leave until the day ended. Oh the joys of my life.

The next day was basically the same. She woke up and went to the office and didn’t stop working except for the odd coffee break when she felt she really needed it. She had arranged for Vincent to come over to her house after work but she was already regretting it. She had another killer headache and she knew that she wouldn’t be a very good host.

She quickly drove home when the day ended and went straight to the kitchen to raid the kitchen cabinet for the strongest painkiller that she had. Just before she took them, she heard the doorbell ring. She mentally groaned at Vincent’s great timing. She rushed to the door and winced slightly when he smiled brilliantly at her.

Vincent’s smile slipped when he looked at her. She looked beyond tired and didn’t really seem pleased to see him. He put his hand against her forehead and felt that she was burning up.

“You’re really ill.” He stated frowning.

“I’ll be fine as long as I take some paracetamol.” She replied smiling weakly.

“You need to sleep. We can have dinner another time okay?” He told her turning to leave but she grabbed him.

“Please don’t go.” She said softly before swaying and falling backwards.

Before she hit the floor, Vincent caught her and lifted her up bridal style. He closed the door behind him and carried her up to her bedroom. He took off her cardigan off before laying her down on her bed. He folded and wet a flannel before placing it on Alexis’ forehead. He sighed as he looked at her. She needed to change out of those clothes but he didn’t want to overstep boundaries by doing it for her. Her phone started ringing on her bedside table and he saw the name Monique flash on the screen. He quickly picked up because he knew who she was and outlined the situation and Monique assured him that she would be right over.

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