Just Friends (1)

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“Lexi are you coming or what?” Monique, her lively assistant, called out to her. Alexis looked up from the large stack of paperwork on her desk.

“Go on without me.” She told Monique with a smile.

“That paperwork will still be there when you come back from lunch you know.” Monique told her.

“Yeah that’s what I’m dreading.” Alexis replied smiling.

“You know it’s not healthy to keep yourself cooped up in the office all the time. Today is Friday; you’re coming out with me tonight.” Monique ordered before walking out of her office. Alexis shook her head and then proceeded to tackle the paperwork on her desk.

She had done pretty well for herself. She had graduated with honours from university and worked her way to the top of a small but prestigious company in London. She had little time to go out and spend time with her friends so most people gave up on her. She only had two girl friends; Monique and her friend Tara from secondary school. They were the only things keeping her from being a workaholic. The funny thing is that this wasn’t her dream. She still wanted to be a writer. She had a book written but she didn’t have the guts to send it to any editors. She was too afraid of rejection. Tara and Monique were the only people who had read it other than her. They had tried to convince her to send it out but she flat out refused. She was too stubborn for her own good.

When Monique had got back from lunch break, she had gotten through half of the paperwork. She’d finished an hour before the end of the day so she spent time writing a short story.

“This is really good.” Monique commented from behind her and she jumped.

“When did you get in here?” Alexis asked.

“I was trying to get your attention from the door for five minutes but you were in your writing zone so I just decided to read what you had written.” Monique explained. Alexis nodded slowly and started to shut down her computer.

“Let’s go!” Monique exclaimed and pulled her out of her office.

“I have no idea why you decided to follow me home.” Alexis commented.

“I told you that you’re coming out tonight.” Monique replied whilst looking through the wardrobe.

“I never agreed to it though.” Alexis pointed out.

“Oh I know, I’m just not giving you an option.” Monique replied smiling and Alexis rolled her eyes.

She knew that there was no use arguing with Monique because somehow Monique would always win. Outside of the office, it was like they switched roles and Monique became the boss of Alexis instead of the other way around.

“This is too tight.” Alexis complained.

“That is the whole point.” Monique said clearly getting pissed off.

“Couldn’t I just wear jeans?” Alexis suggested looking at herself in the mirror with a frown.

“You’re lucky I’m letting you wear the leather trousers. Don’t push it.” Monique replied as she put the finishing touches on Alexis’ makeup.

“Lexi you’re absolutely stunning but you constantly hide that by wearing boring clothes.” She went on and Alexis rolled her eyes. Monique was constantly giving her lectures about her terrible fashion sense and lack of social life. Alexis was wearing a white blouse with black leather trousers and black boots.

“When did I even get leather trousers?” She muttered to herself in confusion.

“I bought them for you last year.” Monique supplied.

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