Just Friends (16)

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The next few months flew by for Alexis. After apologising to Sam, she explained to him and the rest of her family and friends why she’d been so stressed and snappy. They’d all been incredibly supportive, suggesting different alternatives that she could take. The one idea that kept on being brought up was Alexis sending one of her books to an editor and seeing if she could become a published writer. At first, she rejected it flat out because she truly felt that she wasn’t good enough but after leaving work officially and not having found another job, she realised that she really had nothing to lose.

Vincent asked her to move in with him. Alexis assumed it was to make it easier for her with bill paying but Vincent had already decided the night they made love that he didn’t want to sleep without Alexis next to him. He finally understood what Luca was talking about. It just made him feel at ease. Vincent also became good friends with Andrew and often invited him out when he went out with Luca, Antonino and Tyrone. His friends teased him about how hard love hit him but he didn’t care. Alexis was his world and he would do anything to make her happy.

Vincent had been very supportive with her decision not to work and just focus on sending her books out to editors. She received a lot of rejections and her hope almost completely disappeared but luckily, when it seemed like nothing would ever happen, an editor got back to her telling her that her books needed work but if she got them fixed up, she would get them published. Alexis then focused on doing just that and finally a contract was signed and her books got published.

When she walked into book stores and she saw people picking up her books, her heart swelled with pride. She was finally doing something that she loved. She had the support of her family, friends and her boyfriend. She never thought she’d see the day when she could finally say that but it felt good. There was a knock at the door and she looked up from the story she was working and smiled at Vincent.

“If you don’t get ready soon, they’ll give our table away.” He told her.

“I’m coming.” She replied smiling and watched as he walked away.

She finished the sentence and then got changed for dinner. It was their halfiversary; they had been together for six months. They decided that they would go out to dinner to celebrate since they hadn’t been out in a long time since they’d both been pretty busy.

Vincent was nervous. They were sitting in the restaurant waiting for their food to arrive and his palms were sweating. He was going to propose to Alexis tonight but he didn’t know when the right time would be. They ate their food and then out of nowhere Vincent got a brilliant idea. They took the elevator up to the rooftop of the building which had the best view of the city. The bright lights looked amazing and Alexis grinned at him before turning back to look at the city in amazement.

“Thanks for bringing me up here Vince. This is amazing.” She told him without turning back to face him.

“No problem. Just promise me one thing.” He replied from behind her.

“What?” She asked before turning around and gasping.

He was down on one knee holding out an open box with a diamond ring in it. Alexis tried to speak but no words came to her; she just gaped at him like a fish.

“I know we haven’t been together for very long but I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Since you came into life, I’ve never had a dull day.” He told her and she continued to gape at him.

“I can’t let you go so I’m afraid you don’t really have a choice but to be polite; ill ask. Will you marry me?” He asked, joking at the beginning to hide his nerves.

Alexis walked over and kneeled down and crashed her lips to his.

“Well I guess I have to say yes don’t I?” She stated dramatically before grinning.

Vincent slid the ring onto Alexis’ ringer before kissing her softly.

“Cannot wait to tell my mum, Nicole and Anita that I’m engaged to the Vincent Tanner.” Alexis remarked softly and Vincent groaned whilst she chuckled.

“I love you Vince.” She told him.

“I love you too Lexi.” He replied.

The End.


Yes I realise that this is extremely short but for the life of me, I cannot think up a better ending. I hope you enjoyed this story and I thank you for all the support. 

If anybody thinks that they can write a better ending, please feel free to write one and dedicate it to me. If I really like it. I'll post it as an alternate ending. 

Thanks again for reading! 

Nana :)

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