Just Friends (5)

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I really hate Mondays.

Alexis was annoyed. The day before, she’d gone into the office to do some work to lessen the workload for the week. She didn’t see Ryan on Thursday because he had a work emergency so they rescheduled for Sunday. She’d been pretty excited for Ryan’s visit because she was curious as to why he needed her.

He’d come in at around nine a.m. smiling as he came into Alexis’ office. He was even more handsome than he was back in secondary school. Her gaze swept over him appreciatively and she smiled. They’d shared a brief hug before they both sat down.

“So what can I do for you? Apparently it’s urgent.” Alexis started.

“Yeah I kinda need a favour from you.” Ryan replied smiling sheepishly.

“Okay...” She trailed off.

“Well basically I’m in a bind. My fiancé” He started off

“Fiancé?” She asked.

“Georgia. I proposed a few months ago.” He replied nodding.

“Oh I see. Congrats.” She told him smiling.

“Well anyway, one of her bridesmaids has told her that she’s not able to come to the wedding. Gee understands that I don’t want to ask one of my groomsmen to pull out but she doesn’t have many friends so she can’t really ask anyone else. I was wondering if you could do it.” He finished looking at her hopefully.

“Huh?” She replied.

“I know it’s a lot to take in but you would be helping us out so much. Please Alexis; you’re the only girl that I could ask.” He pleaded.

“Are you sure your fiancé’s okay with me doing it?” She asked trying to get out of it.

“Yeah she’s fine with it.” He nodded and she sighed in defeat.

“I guess I could do it.” She replied.

“Thank you so much! I’ve got to go now but please give this to your brother and I’ll see you later.” He replied handing her a card and running out.

She turned over the card and saw that it was a wedding invitation and she sighed. What had she gotten herself into? It wasn’t that she still liked Ryan but it was just awkward; they weren’t close anymore. She got back down to work but was disturbed by a phone call. It was Georgia who called to thank her and to invite her to a spa day with her and the other bridesmaids. Alexis had naturally declined but when Monique had visited her later on in the day, she had called Georgia back to tell her that Alexis would go after all.

Back in the present, Alexis was already late. She overslept and was now trying to function without her morning coffee. She entered the spa resort and went straight to reception but before she could say anything, she heard someone call her name. She turned around and saw a beautiful brunette girl smiling brightly at her. She walked over with a small smile on her face.

“Sorry I’m late.” Alexis apologised.

“It’s no worries. I’m Georgia and I can’t thank you enough for doing this.” She told Alexis grinning.

“It’s no trouble.” Alexis replied.

“Girls this is Alexis. Alexis this is Melanie, Sarah and Tina.” Georgia introduced them and Alexis smiled at them.

“I’ve got a surprise for you.” Georgia told her excitedly.

“What do you mean?” Alexis enquired warily.

“I’ve booked a full body massage for you.” She told me grinning.

“Oh no I couldn’t.” Alexis protested.

“I heard that you’ve had bad experiences with massages in the past but I’ve been assured that this guy is the best in the business.” Georgia continued.

“I guess I can’t say no.” Alexis replied.

“Great well before you go into that, we’re gonna get mani-pedis and go into the sauna.” Georgia told Alexis pulling her along.

Alexis really bonded with Georgia and the girls during their time before their massages. She’d been annoyed with Ryan when he’d basically forced her to be a bridesmaid and tried to dislike Georgia but it’d been a waste. Georgia was too generous and friendly for Alexis to have bad feelings towards her. She was surprised that she didn’t have many friends; she was so nice. Melanie, Sarah and Tina were hilarious as well.

When it was time for her massage, she was in such a good mood and she was so relaxed that she was ready to go to sleep. She was led into a room and given disposable underwear and then she was told to lie on the massage table. Her bottom half was covered by a sheet and she let out a sigh. She didn’t want the masseuse to come in and find her asleep; she knew she could snore. She heard a door open and she glanced up and gasped. It was the cute supermarket guy. He smiled at her.

“So we meet again.” He remarked.

“I guess so.” She replied.

“So can I hear the story?” He enquired as she put her head back down.

“What story?” She asked in reply.

“The story about why a bride-to-be is treating you to a spa day.” He replied.

“One of her bridesmaids bailed. Her fiancé is an old friend and asked me to fill in as a favour and I guess today is to help me warm up to being her bridesmaid.” She told him and he nodded.

“I’m gonna start now. Do you want to say anything before I begin?” He enquired as he walked to the side of the room to get the oil.

“You’re not doing any of my front or my arse.” She told him glancing up.

“So all the fun parts are out then?” He remarked chuckling.

“Maybe next time.” She replied giggling.

“Is that a promise?” He asked smiling.

“Just start the massage.” She told him laughing.

“Don’t worry. A full body doesn’t include those parts anyway.” He replied chuckling and she laughed embarrassed.

“I’ve just realised I don’t know your name.” She murmured as he started to massage her feet.

“And I don’t know yours.” He shot back.

“Alexis.” She told him.

“Vincent.” He replied.

She didn’t speak again as Vincent began to deal with the aches that she’d had from work. She couldn’t help but moan when his hand roamed across her back. He was certainly skilled. He put the other masseuse she’d been to, to shame. When he stopped, she let out an audible groan and he chuckled.

“Sorry but we’re done.” He told me smirking.

“That was amazing. Thanks so much for this Vincent.” She said smiling widely.

“No worries. I’ll leave you to get changed.” He told her before leaving the room.

She quickly got changed into her clothes and headed back to reception.  She saw the girls sitting with big grins on their faces. When they saw her, Alexis couldn’t help but smile at them. She could tell that they all had the same thoughts in their heads. This place was paradise. Georgia quickly paid for all of them and even though Alexis tried to chip in, Georgia wouldn’t let her. As they were about to leave, she saw Vincent walking past and she caught his arm.

“Thank you so much again. I really appreciated it.” She told him truthfully.

“It’s fine. Here’s my card. Call me if you need another one.” He replied winking as he handed his card to her and then walked off.

The girls all squealed around her and asked her what exactly had happened during her massage. She couldn’t help but smile as she saw he had written his mobile number on it and hoped that she would see Vincent around soon.

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