Just Friends (7)

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Vincent walked into his house and sighed. The kitchen light was on and he could already tell who was in there. He’d hoped that if he ignored the texts, then he could escape but he shouldn’t have been so naive. When had that ever stopped them before?

“You know when I gave you a spare key I really hoped you’d use it for emergency purposes only.” He commented as he entered the kitchen.

“It is an emergency.” Tyrone replied.

“Oh really?” Vincent said.

“Yeah, you work too much and haven’t been out with us in ages. It’s been too long.” Nino told me grinning.

“I’ve been busy.” Vincent told them.

“Well now you’re free so let’s go.” Luca retorted.

Vincent looked at his three best friends and glared at them. They stared right back at him. They weren’t gonna give up unless he said yes. Resistance was futile.

“I’ll go get changed.” He told them sighing before going upstairs to his bedroom.

Downtown, Alexis and Monique were having a meal before they went off to the Thrill. Monique had been watching Alexis for the whole day and was puzzled as to why her friend seemed so happy even though she was being buried by her workload. She had been patiently waiting for Alexis to say something but she’d had enough.

“Why are you in such a good mood?” Monique demanded.

“Can I not be happy?” Alexis asked amused.

“It’s not that. You’re so busy and your workload has doubled but you’re smiling as if you’ve won a year’s supply of ben n jerry’s ice cream.” Monique told her.

“That would be good.” Alexis thought aloud.

“Lex!” Monique snapped and Alexis laughed.

“There’s no reason. That massage I got earlier on in the week put me in a really good mood. I'm sure I’ll be back to normal by Monday.” Alexis told her but Monique looked at her skeptically.

Alexis knew that her explanation wasn’t convincing. She’d been all too willing to go out tonight for her to fool her friend. She was also wearing a tight dress; something that she hardly ever did. Even though the massage was great, she knew it was more to do with the masseuse that was keeping the smile on her face. She had received a text from him telling her that she would be hearing from him soon. Monique was still looking at her and she rolled her eyes.

“Let’s go. Tara’s gonna complain if we take too long.” She told her nosy assistant and they left the restaurant.

Vincent, Luca, Tyrone and Antonino were waiting in line outside the club, the Thrill. It was a pretty popular club and there were a lot of people eager to get inside. Vincent glared at his friends. Instead of going to the club that they usually did, they decided that it would be nice to go to a different one for a change. Now they were stuck waiting outside in a ridiculously long line.

He sighed and looked around. His eyes widened as he saw Alexis in a tight dark blue dress walking with a friend towards him. She caught sight of him and smiled. She said something to her friend who went on ahead before walking over to Vincent.

“I didn’t think I’d be seeing you so soon.” She commented smirking.

“It must be fate.” He replied.

“Are you sure you aren’t stalking me?” She enquired narrowing her eyes playfully.

“More like the other way around.” Vincent snorted.

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