Just Friends (10)

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The next day when she walked into her mum’s house, she was ambushed at the door. Anita and Nicole were both grinning at her and she raised an eyebrow.

“What’s wrong with you guys?” She asked pushing past them and walking into the living room but they pulled her back.

“How was your date with Vincent?” Anita asked excitedly and Alexis rolled her eyes.

“It was good.” She replied simply which made Nicole and Anita squeal.

“I cannot believe you are dating Vincent Tanner!” Nicole exclaimed.

“I’ve been on like three dates with him. Calm down.” Alexis told them.

“So there is a man in your life.” Her mum commented from behind them.

“Let’s just drop this shall we?” Alexis suggested.

“What’s his name?” Her mum pressed.

“Vincent Tanner!” Anita answered for her.

The Vincent Tanner? Wow, Alexis, I always knew that you would snag someone special.” Her mum commented smiling.

“Good thing it didn’t work out with Nathan Lawrence.” Alexis couldn’t help but point out.

“Definitely a good thing.” Her mum agreed.

They went on to have an enjoyable dinner without talking about Vincent. Alexis didn’t want to talk about him as if they were a couple when they’d only gone on a few dates and he could still change his mind about going out with her.

When she got home that evening, she received a text message from Georgia stating that there would be a bridesmaids’ fitting in the afternoon on Tuesday. She quickly replied and told Georgia that she would be there. Georgia quickly called her afterwards.

“Hey, what the hell happened on Saturday? I thought you had nothing to do but then you went off with that Vince guy.” She enquired.

“Oh, sorry I thought that I made no plans but apparently me and Vince had and I forgot.” Alexis told her.

“You were leaving before he came though. Did we make you feel uncomfortable?” Georgia asked worried.

“I just didn’t want to intrude on your alone time. Why would I feel uncomfortable?” Alexis replied.

“I know that you used to like Ryan.” Georgia told her quietly.

“Oh so Ryan knew then.” Alexis replied.

“No, he still has no clue but when he was describing you and your secondary school memories together, I realised.” Georgia explained.

“Well no I just wanted to give you guys some space and have some alone time for myself but then Vince came along so that kinda got scrapped.” She told Georgia chuckling.

“Is Vince your boyfriend?” Georgia asked.

“No, we’re just friends.” Alexis told her.

“Well for now.” Georgia replied.

“Georgia.” Alexis sighed.

“I’ll see you on Tuesday Alexis. Try not to be late this time!” Georgia told her before hanging up.

Tuesday came around and Alexis was slowly getting irritated. Monique had abandoned her desk and decided that it would be okay to grill Alexis about her date while she was trying to work. They had both been too busy the day before to talk casually so it seemed that Monique was trying to make up for it. A phone call to Tara had also taken place in Alexis’ office which consisted of her two best friends teasing her and gushing over how cool Vincent was.

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