Just Friends (13)

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By the time she had finished sorting out the problem, she was beyond exhausted. She sent a quick text telling Vincent that she was going to bed and collapsed on her bed. The next morning, she woke up with a groan. Her mind flashed back to what went down on that massage table in Vincent’s house and she smiled. She couldn’t believe how amazing it had felt.

Although it was good, she was slightly glad that they hadn’t got any further. She knew that she wanted to have sex with Vincent but she didn’t want to rush into it. She was a virgin after all and they’d only been exclusive for a few days! She wanted her first time to be special and she knew that she had to speak to Vincent.

I need to speak to you. When can we meet up?

Once she sent the text, she sighed. She was slightly dreading the conversation but she needed to get everything out in the open. She got up and headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day. When she came out, she saw that she had a message on her phone.

Sure how about you swing by my place at 5 ish?

Okay see you later

Vincent began to panic. Had he misread the situation last night and taken it too far? The lack of smiley faces in her text told him that it was going to be a serious conversation. He continued to stress when he went over to his mum’s house. He would ask Jermaine for advice but he knew that his mum would try to eavesdrop and would get really annoying.

“Luca! Naomi! I haven’t seen you guys in ages.” Bianca remarked as she opened the door.

Vincent had been so deep in his thoughts that he hadn’t heard the doorbell ring. He walked over to the door and grinned. Luca was carrying the twins but he let them down and they leaped at Vincent.

“Uncle Vinnie!” They exclaimed.

He hugged them both and lifted them up balancing them on his hips. Luca and Naomi just smiled and Bianca cooed.

“I’ve missed you two so much.” He told them sincerely.

“Miss too.” Arianna replied smiling.

“Lunch is ready guys. Let’s go and eat.” Bianca told them.

Luca and Naomi walked into the house and Bianca closed the door behind them before leading them to the dining room. Vincent carried the twins into the dining room and sat them both in their seats. With the twins there making him laugh, he forgot about the conversation he was going to have with Alexis but after lunch he received a text from Alexis that she would see him in a hour.

“Hey Luca, can I have a chat with you?” He asked his friend and they headed into the garden.

“What’s wrong?” Luca enquired.

“Well yesterday after you guys left, things progressed between me and Lex but we were interrupted before we actually could do anything more. It seemed like she was pretty happy but this morning I got a text from saying that she needed to speak to me. Do you think I took it too far yesterday?” Vincent asked worriedly and Luca laughed.

“I’m sure you’re fine. I remember before me and Nay got married, she said that we needed to talk and because I was worried about what she wanted to say, I acted like a complete dick. It will be fine. Don’t worry about it and just be normal.” Luca told him squeezing his shoulder.

“Thanks.” Vincent replied smiling sheepishly.

“No worries. We’re gonna head on home now though so ill catch you later.” Luca told him before giving him a hug.

They went inside and they said their goodbyes to the Amoroso family. Vincent promised Arianna and Tyler that he would come over to play with them sometime soon. Once they left, he chilled on the sofa watching TV with his parents. He left after a while making his way down to his house and waited for Alexis to arrive.

Alexis arrived at his house at five on the dot. Vincent opened the door with a smile as usual and she smiled back. He led her into the living room but sat across from her instead of next to her. She bit her lip nervously; she didn’t really know how to start but she decided that she should just be blunt.

“I have something to confess. I’m a virgin.” She told him.

Vincent was slightly surprised but it wasn’t a big shock so he nodded.

“Okay...” He said trailing off.

“I enjoyed what we did last night but I don’t really want to rush into things. We’ve only been exclusive for a few days and I just want to wait until we get to know each other better before we take it to the next step.” She continued.

“Obviously if you don’t want to wait, we can just end” She started but was cut off by Vincent kissing her. He pulled back with a grin.

“I completely understand and I can wait. We’re not ending things when we’ve barely begun.” He told her smiling softly.

She sighed in relief and Vincent pulled her into his arms squeezing her gently.

“Were you worrying about what I’d say?” He asked.

“Yeah kinda.” She admitted.

“I like you Alexis. I was the one who asked you to be my girlfriend so try and have a little bit more confidence in me. I’m not planning to let you go anytime soon.” He told her sincerely.

“I’m sorry. You’re my first boyfriend so I’m really unsure with this relationship stuff.” She replied.

“Are you serious?” Vincent asked in shock.

“I’ve been on a load of dates but nothing ever comes from them.” She told him.

“I see.” Vincent replied. I’m a lucky bastard.

She pulled back from his embrace and grinned.

“Much as I would like to stay here with you, I have to go.” She told him.

“What? No!” He complained.

“Sorry, every Sunday I have dinner at my mum’s house. I’ll call you later though.” She replied.

“Yeah you better.” He grumbled.

She kissed him on the lips and walked out to the car feeling a lot lighter than she had been before. She quickly drove off to her mum’s house with a big smile on her face. He said that he would wait for her! That had just made her day.

Hopefully, he would be able to wait for as long as she needed. 

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