Just Friends (9)

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The days seemed to drag on. Alexis was extremely excited for Friday and she was sick and tired of work. She was drowning in work and she’d been forced to stop going out for any breaks in order to finish on time every day. Monique was beginning to worry for her friend. Monique’s workload had increased by a lot as well but it was still nowhere near as much as Alexis’. Monique was worried that her friend would break down if she didn’t take a proper break from work.

Vincent was in a similar predicament. With Belle Renaissance growing in popularity worldwide, he had to deal with hiring more employees and deciding where it would be appropriate to build new establishments. He was glad that he would get to see Alexis and get a proper break.

When Friday finally came around, they were both exhausted. The only thing that was keeping them going was their excitement to meet each other.

“Your date with Vincent is today isn’t it?” Monique asked Alexis grinning.

“We’re just getting lunch Mon.” Alexis replied.

“Don’t try and downplay it. I know you’re trying hard not to smile.” Monique teased her.

“Don’t you have work to do?” Alexis asked her friend as she got up to leave.

“Make sure you give me all the juicy details when you get back!” Monique called after her.

Vincent had told her to meet him at the spa resort so she walked down there quickly. She went to the reception and told them that she was there to see Vincent and she was led to an office. She knocked before opening the door. He was on the phone and smiled apologetically when he saw her. She saw lots of files on his desk and realised that she wasn’t the only one that was really busy.

“Sorry about that.” He told her when he finally got off the phone.

“It’s fine. You’re bound to be busy being the head.” She replied smiling.

 They walked down to the restaurant that Vincent had picked out. They were sat in a booth so they had more privacy. They were handed their menus and Alexis couldn’t help but worry about the prices. Although she was the head of her company, she couldn’t afford to spend her money so lavishly. She glanced up at Vincent to see if he was feeling her unease as well but he seemed to be rather relaxed. He caught her gaze and smiled.

“See anything you like?” He asked.

“I'm not sure.” She replied.

“What’s wrong?” He asked frowning.

“I don’t really know if I can afford anything from here.” She admitted embarrassed.

“What are you talking about? This is a date; I’m paying.” He replied.

Alexis still didn’t feel comfortable with letting him pay so much so she made sure to find the cheapest meal that would fill her up which happened to be the caesar salad. Vincent had raised his eyebrows when he’d first heard her order but didn’t comment in front of the waitress. When they started eating their food, he did however voice his opinion.

“I didn’t realise you were one of those salad eating girls.” He commented with a raised eyebrow

“Well it’s lunchtime so I don’t really eat much. If we were having dinner, it would be a different story.” She replied with a smirk and he chuckled.

Alexis was happy because it seemed like Vincent had believed that story she’d made up. Well it was slightly true, recently she hadn’t eaten much around lunchtime but that wasn’t by choice. Vincent suspected that Alexis was bending the truth slightly but he didn’t want to put her on the spot on their first date so he let the subject drop.

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