Just Friends (15)

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“This board meeting has been called because we’ve noticed the amount of clients we has dropped dramatically. I’m sorry to say but we’ve had to look for someone who can manage the company better than you’ve been doing.” The board told Alexis.

Here it was. The talk that she’d been dreading for months.

“You’ve found that person.” She stated.

“Yes.” They replied.

“How long?” She enquired.

“You have a month before he comes. You can say that you resigned.” The head replied.

“What about the other employees?” Alexis asked.

“Everyone else will keep their jobs. You just need to focus on finding another kind of employment.” He replied and she slumped in relief. She’d been worried about Monique’s job but since nobody else was losing theirs, she felt lighter.

“Thank you.” She told them.

“Good luck for the future.” He replied and she walked back to her office.

Monique as curious as always walked into Alexis’ office after her. Monique had been worried about Alexis as this meeting was with the board and she knew that Alexis was struggling with the company.

“What was that about?” Monique enquired.

“We were just going over new management techniques. It was nothing special.” Alexis replied shrugging.

“Oh alright well I’ll leave you to your work then.” Monique told her feeling relieved.

“Well that’s a first.” Alexis mutter as Monique walked out.

“I heard that.” Her friend called back to her before closing the door.

Alexis slumped at her desk. What could she do? It was so difficult to find jobs now. She didn’t even really want to work for another company. She was fed up with office work. She sighed as she did the rest of the work for the day. Although it was a Friday, she wasn’t going out with Tara and Monique. She just wanted to sleep after the day she’d had and went home to sleep.

On Sunday, she woke up to her doorbell ringing. She rolled off her bed and put on her night gown before walking downstairs. She opened her door and saw Vincent standing there. She just left the door open and walked back upstairs to her bed. She knew he would walk in and close the door himself. She was so tired; she couldn’t even be bothered to greet Vincent properly.

The day before had consisted of her updating her CV and looking for a job that really interested her. It seemed like there was none. Alexis was becoming so frustrated because it seemed like a month wouldn’t be enough time. She would be unemployed and behind with all of her bills if she wasn’t careful.

Vincent had been a little grumpy that he hadn’t been able to see her the day before. She’d told him that she had a lot of work to do and had arranged for him to come to meet her family on Sunday. He was worried that she was taking on too much work than she could handle. Vincent was also annoyed that her work was stopping him from spending as much time with Alexis as possible. Because of this, he decided that he would drop by on Sunday morning instead of the afternoon.

After closing the door, he walked upstairs to Alexis’ room. She was already back under the covers. He sighed but he knew Alexis wasn’t a morning person so he shouldn’t have had his hopes up. He took of his shoes and lay down on the bed next to her. She pulled him closer to her and he wrapped an arm around her.

“So warm Vince.” She mumbled giving him a tight squeeze.

They stayed like that in a tight embrace all morning. When it reached three o’clock in the afternoon, Alexis reluctantly pulled away. She knew that she had to get up although she just wanted to stay with Vincent and forget all of her troubles. She didn’t want to worry anyone and her brothers especially had a knack for figuring out that there was something wrong with her. She was already struggling not to break down in front of Vincent.

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