Just Friends (4)

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Vincent opened the door to find a pair of idiots grinning on his doorstep. He stood there staring at them with a questioning glance but their faces didn’t change a bit. He was tempted to slam the door in their faces for a laugh.

“What are you guys doing here?” He asked withdrawn.

“What’s up with that depressed tone?” Nino asked as he pushed past Vincent into the house.

Luca simply patted Vincent on the shoulder before walking into the house as well. Vincent rolled his eyes and closed the door. He could already anticipate what this visit was all about and he really wasn’t in the mood. He sighed as he walked into the living room and flopped down onto a sofa. He looked at his best friends with a frown on his face.

“Mum called you.” Vincent stated.

“Mummy had to call her favourite son to sort you out.” Nino replied nodding.

“She’s worried about you.” Luca told me.

“And this couldn’t wait until a time that isn’t the crack of dawn?” Vincent enquired.

He had to wake up at early hours during the week because of work but the weekends he had off were the only times when he could sleep in. He didn’t appreciate these fools coming over at nine in the morning at all.

“Well it could but where’s the fun in that?” Nino replied grinning mischievously.

Vincent didn’t pause when he threw the remote at Nino’s arm and grinned when his friend let out a yelp.

“You’re right, this is fun.” He said smiling and Luca chuckled.

“So apparently you’re still not over Kate.” Luca stated and Vinnie shrugged.

“She’s a bitch; she used you and completely screwed you over. Why the fuck do you still have feelings for her?” Antonino demanded exasperated.

“You know bloody well why.” Vinnie replied.

“You need to find someone else.” Luca told his friend.

“It’s not as easy for me as it was for you guys.” Vinnie mumbled.

“Let’s forget Antonino because it was easy for him but it definitely wasn’t easy to get Naomi to trust me completely and to truly love me. Every relationship will be difficult but it’s worth it to wake up next to a girl knowing that your life is complete and you have been so blessed.” Luca told him smiling.

“It wasn’t that easy; I had to move myself out of the friend zone.” Nino argued.

“Nuff Said.” They all said in unison and laughed.

“How are the girls by the way? I haven’t seen everyone in ages.” Vincent asked and both of them smiled.

“That’s because you’re always working. I think this is the first weekend that you’ve had off all year.” Luca commented.

“It’s not that bad. Stop exaggerating.” He replied shaking his head.

He spent the rest of the day chatting with his friends. They didn’t bring up Kate anymore for which he was glad. He knew that he needed to get over her but it wasn’t that simple. It wasn’t like he was her boyfriend; not officially anyway. He was just someone who she could fuck without worrying about it going any further. She was his one and only love as messed up as it sounds and without realising it, he’d not been in any relationships because subconsciously he hoped that she would ask him to be her boyfriend.

He was pathetic.

He was so hung up over a girl who wouldn’t even give him the time of day. Vincent grew angry as he thought about how this girl had used him every time she’d broken up with one of her boyfriends and then kicked him to the curb as soon as a new guy came along.

He remembered the countless amount of times when they’d be in bed and she would beg those arseholes for another chances and if they asked about Vincent, she’d always make sure to stress that they were ‘just friends’.

Antonino was right. Why the fuck did he still have feelings for her? It didn’t make sense to Vincent anymore. He had convinced himself that she couldn’t be blamed because he’d agreed to do it; he’d let himself be used. Now, however, he couldn’t stop how furious he was with her.

He walked to his bedroom and pulled out clothes that she’d left last month and started stuffing them into a bag. He got rid of any trace of her existence in his house and then smiled. He picked up his mobile phone and scrolled down his contact list until he reached her name.

“Goodbye Kate.” He said.

He was just about to block her number and delete her as a contact but his phone started ringing and her name flashed on the screen. Speak of the devil and she will appear. He sighed and picked up the phone.

“I need you.” She said in a bored tone of voice.

“I’ll be there in five minutes.” He replied before she hung up the phone.

A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.

He grinned as he left his house and drove down to hers. He quickly knocked on the door and she opened the door with a yawn.

“I’m bored. Let’s have a bit of fun.” She suggested.

“I need my key back.” He told her.

She frowned but went to get his key and handed it back to him.

“You can come in you know.” She told him.

“Oh I know. Here’s your stuff back.” He told her shoving the black bag into her arms.

She frowned even more and looked at him as if she didn’t recognise him anymore. He grinned as he realised this. It felt good to be in control of the situation.

“What’s wrong with you Vin?” She asked

“This arrangement that we have is over. Don’t call me and don’t drop by anymore.” He told her.

“What’s brought all of this on?” She demanded.

“I’m tired of being used.” He replied shrugging.

“I wasn’t using you. You’re my best friend.” Kate protested.

He smiled at her in pity. The lies that she’d used to justify what she was doing were clearly all that she could hold on to. He wondered what had ever made him fall in love with her. She was a pathetic little girl who needed to grow up.

“No I’m not. I never was. I was just someone who made you feel a little less pitiful. There’s a reason why so many guys have dumped you. I hope you can grow up and finally see it. Goodbye Kate.” I told her gently before getting into my car and driving back home.

When he got home, he received a phone call on his work phone. There was a bride-to-be who needed him to give a massage to someone. He didn’t really have the time and there were plenty of fine masseuses in his institute but she wasn’t taking no for an answer. She wouldn’t settle for anything but the best. He sighed but agreed to the job. He wondered what was so special about the person that a bride-to-be would be going to such lengths to please them.

He quickly went to sleep knowing that he would have a busy day ahead of him.


Another one! Thanks for reading and please vomment! :) 

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