Just Friends (3)

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Wednesday had finally arrived and Alexis was swamped with work. There was a knock at her door which she ignored. She had already told Monique that she was not to be disturbed so Monique would do well to remember that if she didn’t want to get fly kicked. It was clear that Alexis was in a terrible mood. The rival company had recently taken a lot of her clients with new advertisement and she needed to work quickly to get rid of that problem.

The incessant knocking was still sounding and began to synchronise with the pounding in her head. She took a deep breath before opening her door ready to give Monique a big lecture and then a swift beating up. She had opened her mouth ready to yell but instead a confused noise came out of her mouth. An unfamiliar man stood at the other side of the door.

“Sorry but who are you?” She asked.

“I’m Nathan Lawrence.” He replied smiling and lifted his hand for her to shake. Instead of complying, she merely stared at his hand and then back at his face.

Who the hell is Nathan Lawrence? Did I have an appointment with him today? Didn’t I tell Monique to reschedule all of my appointments today? He retracted his hand and the smile slightly faded from his face.

“Your mum told me that you knew we were having lunch today.” He told me frowning.

She looked him up and down and really studied him. He was tall, dark and handsome. She realised that she was staring and smiled apologetically.

“I’m sorry I didn’t realise it was lunchtime already. I’ve been pretty busy with work today.” She explained and he nodded.

“Let me just get my bag and we can go.” She told him before picking and walking out of her office with him. Monique looked up and grinned at Alexis who pretended not to see.

They went down to a restaurant nearby. After ordering water, Alexis looked at the menu as if it was in a foreign language. She frowned as she continued to look at the different options.

“Are the dishes not to your liking? We can go somewhere else if you want.” He suggested.

“No it’s not that. I don’t really go out to eat so I have no clue what’s good to order.” She replied.

“Let me order for you then.” He replied taking the menu out of her hands with a brilliant smile. He told the orders to the waiter and Alexis couldn’t help but have high hopes for Mr Lawrence.

He is amazing! Lunch was great; they had managed to get through it without having any awkward silences. They had many similar hobbies and interests so it was easy for them to talk to each other. He was a complete gentleman and walked her back to her office even though Alexis had protested.

“So how about we do this again sometime?” Alexis suggested nervously. Nathan looked slightly apologetic when he looked at her.

She walked straight past Monique and went straight into the office. She continued from where she was before. It seemed like the work was endless. She heard the creek of her door but didn’t lift her head up.

“Do you want to get fly kicked?” She asked Monique as she looked through some paperwork.

“How did it go?” Monique enquired ignoring her friend’s comment.

“Friend.” Alexis replied before waving her friend away. Her bad mood was returning again and Monique was smart enough to leave her alone.

The nerve of that almost edible Nathan Lawrence. He had the cheek to tell me that he wasn’t really ready for a relationship as he’d just got out of a really serious one and that he hoped we would be friends! I actually felt the urge to punch him in the face. I don’t get why men feel the need to make up such shit. If you don’t feel attracted to a woman, please for the love of god, tell her. The silly cliché lines make it even worse. Not only are you being rejected but with a line that almost every man on the planet has used at one point of time in his life to weasel his way out of a sticky situation.

Alexis sat fuming for another few minutes before concentrated fully on her work. She needed to get it done. She couldn’t wait for her mum to call so she could throw it back in her face. Alexis was clearly just not meant to be in a relationship.

When she was finished for the day, all she wanted was to crawl into her bed and sleep. Nathan Lawrence had put her in a terrible mood and left her drained. Monique stuck her head around with a sheepish look on her face.

“How are you doing?” She asked.

“I'm bloody fantastic.” Lex replied sarcastically.

“Wanna punch a wall huh?” Monique replied.

“Why would I wanna do that? That would hurt me and I would gain no satisfaction from it. I wanna punch him.” Lex told her and she chuckled.

“Well your brother said he’s coming over to yours later so you could always punch him?” She suggested and Alexis’ lips twitched as a smile was threatening to break out.

“It depends, which brother?” She asked Monique.

“Andrew.” She informed her.

“Excellent.” Alexis replied grinning and they both laughed.

“So you’re gonna be okay?” Monique enquired.

“I guess. Why do guys have to be such arseholes?” She wondered sighing as she began to collect her stuff.

“Come on. It’s not all guys. Remember that guy you told me about from the supermarket.” Her friend reminded Alexis and she smiled.

“You’ve got a point there. He was cute too.” Alexis replied grinning.

“You should have taken him up on his offer.” Monique told her shaking her head.

“I could handle it though.” Alexis protested.

“That’s not the point. I’m going home. See you tomorrow.” Monique replied rolling her eyes before walking to her car.

Later on, Andrew came round as Monique had said and Alexis punched him as she said she would. Nicole, however, she greeted with a warm hug. Andrew shot her a wounded look and rubbed his arm.

“What was that for?” He whined.

“Had to get out my frustration.” Alexis simply said shrugging.

“The date didn’t go well then?” Nicole said.

Alexis quickly sat down and told them what exactly happened. Andrew quickly wrapped a protective arm around his twin sister and hugged her close. Even though she was angry, he could tell that Alexis was really upset that yet another date had gone pear shaped. He really wanted to find that idiot and beat him up.

“Wow he was a prick.” Nicole said once Alexis was finished.

“My thoughts exactly. Want me to find him and beat him up for you?” Andrew chipped in.

“No it’s all good. He’s really not worth it.” She replied.

“Well if you say so.” He mumbled.

“What are you guys doing here by the way?” Alexis asked them.

“Well this could be some good news; Ryan’s looking for you. I gave him your work address and he said that he would drop by tomorrow so I just came to give you a heads up.” Andrew explained.

“What does he need from me?” She wondered aloud.

“I don’t know but it sounded like it was pretty urgent.” Andrew replied.

“You never know he could’ve finally seen the error of his ways and decided to ask you out.” Nicole suggested.

“Doubtful.” She snorted but she still felt a glimmer of hope.


Hey there! Sorry I've been really busy but I will try and update as quick as I can :)

Please vomment! 

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