Just Friends (12)

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Vincent mentally cursed himself when Alexis asked him to drive her home, thinking he’d blown it but she quickly gestured for him to come in. She walked straight to the kitchen and Vincent followed behind hesitantly. She pulled out an ice cream tub from the freezer and handing him a spoon. They sat down at the kitchen table and started to eat the ice cream. After a few minutes, Alexis smiled and Vincent smiled back.

“I got you to smile!” She cheered and Vincent chuckled.

“Sorry.” He apologised.

“It’s all good.” She replied standing up.

“You don’t understand how jealous I felt. All of those guys kept on watching you at the club and it pissed me off.” He told her looking down.

“You don’t have to worry Vince. I only have eyes for you.” She told him sincerely lifting his head up so he could see how serious she was.

He leaned over and kissed her. He nibbled gently on her lip and she opened her mouth allowing him to deepen the kiss. He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers before smiling. Alexis couldn’t help but smile back.

“Be my girlfriend. Please.” He told her.

“Well, only because you asked so nicely.” She teased grinning before he captured her lips in his again.

“So you need me to help you get massage oils? You seem to be just using me.” He stated pouting.

It was the next day and Alexis wanted to get the present for Georgia quickly so it was out of the way. She had forgotten to tell Vince why they were going out beforehand. She knew he was joking so she just kissed him on the cheek and pulled him. They quickly went and bought the oils. They dropped it off at Alexis’ house and then went to Vince’s house. He invited his close friends round to have lunch and meet Alexis.

She was a little nervous. She had already met the guys but it would be completely awkward if the women didn’t like her. They were sitting out in the garden and Alexis couldn’t help but worry. Vincent grabbed her hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze. He kissed her softly and smiled.

“They’re going to love you. Don’t worry about it.” He said softly to her.

They heard the back garden door click signalling his friends’ arrival. Luca and Naomi were the first to walk out into the garden and Vincent went over to give them a big hug.

“Vinnie, I haven’t seen you in ages! Where have you been hiding?” Naomi remarked.

“Sorry I’ve been a little busy.” He apologised.

“Oh yeah we all heard.” Maame told him smirking and Lili giggled.

“I don’t know why you told Nino. He’s got the biggest mouth.” Tyrone wondered.

“It’s not like it was a secret.” Nino defended.

Vincent laughed and gave all of his friends a hug. He noticed that Alexis had hung back and he held out his hand to her. She walked over and slipped an arm around his waist and he rested his arm on her shoulder.

“This is my girlfriend Alexis.” He introduced her grinning and Alexis said a quick to the group.

“I’m Naomi. I’m Luca’s wife.” Naomi told her.

“I'm Lili and I’m Nino’s wife.” Lili said next.

“Maame, I’m Naomi’s cousin and Tyrone’s girlfriend.” Maame introduced.

“Woah, you finally told them?” Vincent asked.

“So you told Vinnie before you told me?” Naomi asked narrowing her eyes at Maame.

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