Just Friends (14)

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Two months later and Vincent had stayed true to his word. He was being respectful and waiting for Alexis to tell him that she was ready to move on the next step. They went out often to dinner or to the cinema and everything in their relationship was great.

Both of them had become busier with work. Vincent had more clients visiting his spa resorts and so he had more work to do. Alexis was drowning in work but it wasn’t getting much better. She didn’t tell Vincent about it but her company was in a tight spot and she needed to find a solution quickly otherwise she might lose it.

She was also very busy with Georgia. The bridal shower had come and gone. Georgia had been very happy with her spa related gifts. We had bought the passes for the spa weekend which are valid for a year which is good.

It was the day of Georgia’s wedding day finally and Alexis was happy that it was finally coming to an end. She’d had enough of the Georgia’s freak outs and breakdowns over something that wasn’t going right with the preparation for the wedding. It would also be a good day because she could introduce Vincent to Andrew and Nicole. She also loved seeing the smile on Georgia’s face as they all were getting ready.

“She looks so happy.” Tina commented echoing her thoughts.

“It’s her wedding day.” Alexis replied smiling.

“Finally.” Sarah muttered and they all giggled.

“Alexis! Hurry up and get over here. You’re the only one without her makeup done.” Melanie called over irritably and the girls giggled once again before Alexis walked over.

“You need to relax Mel. Everything is going to be fine.” Alexis commented as she sat down in front of Mel.

“Once the ceremony is done, I’ll be fine.” Mel replied sighing.

She got down to work on Alexis’ makeup and finished quickly. They all got changed into their bridesmaids’ dresses and then helped Georgia with her dress. She looked absolutely stunning and there wasn’t a chance that anyone could outshine Georgia that day.

“Thank you guys for everything.” Georgia told them softly.

“Come on. Let’s go get you married.” Mel commented and they all grinned.

It was a beautiful ceremony and although Alexis had been annoyed at first that Ryan had basically forced this role upon her, she was happy that she was a part of it. Georgia was a great person and she and Ryan were a great couple. Alexis hoped that they would have a long a happy marriage.

At the reception, she smiled because she could see Vincent with Andrew and Nicole. They weren’t sitting on the same table but she knew that once everyone had eaten, she would end up drifting over to that table. He looked so great in a suit.

“Your boyfriend is so yummy!” Sarah told her.

“And your boyfriend is right behind you.” Her boyfriend, Will, reminded her with a pointed look.

“I was just making an observation. You know I love you.” She replied before placing a brief kiss on his lips. Will smiled and Alexis giggled as Sarah had successfully distracted him.

After everyone had eaten, people started to get up to dance and Vincent appeared at her side. She grinned at him.

“Care to dance?” He enquired holding out his arm to her.

“Of course.” She replied grinning before taking his arm.

They danced to a few songs before Alexis noticed her brother fast approaching. She could already tell what he was about to do and really wished that he wouldn’t. He was going to do something that really pissed people off and he did it especially to annoy Alexis.

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