Times Up

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Laurances POV

I dont know what to do. It has been a bout a week since Aphmau went missing again. Dante has gone out to the woods everyday to look for her, and about three days ago, Garroth started to join him, leaving me on patrol duty all day. But im ok with it. Garroth and Dante do the night shift, and I want to find Aph just as much as they do. Dale promised that he would take over guard of the gates and im going to help Dante and Garroth today. We were walking through the woods without saying anything. Our walking patterns werent planed,they just kinda happened. One minute i was walking by myself then the next i was walking with garroth, by myself again, then with dante. By myself then with both of them. I just kept thinking about what situation Aphmau was in. And i repeat a prayer in my head. Irene, please help this angel. She doesn't deserve this at all. She is nothing but sweet and caring to everyone, even when she is the one that needs help the most. Please just let her be ok.

We continued walking when I heard Dante yell, "APHMAU!?"

Aphmaus POV

It has been about a week. Zane and I dont stay in one spot for to long so no one can track where we are. When we do stop, Zane beats me and makes out with me. (Dont worry it isnt turning into one of THOSE kinds of storys. This is as far as it goes.) I'm not sure if he makes out with me because he likes to, or just because it makes me uncomfortable and it will forever haunt my nightmares. We have been moving for about a week. Once, when Zane was using his sword again, we saw Dante. I thought i was going to be saved. I thought wrong. Now Zane has just handcuffed my arms around a tree. I can feel myself dying. This is it. In a last ditch effort i jiggled my hands out of the handcuffs. It somehow worked. While Zane had his back turned, i ran. I ran for my life, because I really was. I ran over rocks, branches, and who knows what. My feet hurt really bad because i had no shoes. Zane had thrown them away when he captured me. My vision started getting blurry. No, not yet. Not until i get to Phoenix Drop. Not until i can at least see the ones i care about before i die. Times up. I couldn't breathe. I couldnt move. I fell to the ground. My time here is over. Just before i could go, I heard people calling my name. Good bye.

Taken For Power (A Garmau, Laurmau, and Danmau Fan Fic) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now