Chapter 17- Midnight Secrets

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(A/N. THANKS FOR OVER 200 READS!!!!!! I love everyone who's read and voted <3 x).

--- Steph's POV ---

I walked into Brooke's room to find her sitting on her laptop. Her blonde hair tied up. And her glasses on.

She seemed to be concentrating hard on whatever was on the screen. She hadn't even noticed me walk in.

"Brooke?" I said quietly wondering if she would hear me.

"Oh hi Steph. Sorry I didn't notice you I'm reading through all the hate I've been getting over the last few days!" She replied looking a bit lost.

"Just ignore them!" I snapped "you don't need them to make your life any harder than it already is right now!" I walked over and sat down next to her.

"But I want to thank every individual person that's helped me but I don't know how?"

"Honestly Brooke just ignore them do something fun..... Like play truth or dare?" I smiled.

"Steph were not 13!"

"I know I know but it will be fun! Right ok ill start!" I took a moment to think about it then I had the perfect question! "Which one of the boys besides Liam are you most happy that you met?" I winked at her.

She groaned and looked around the room obviously not wanting to answer me.

"If I had to choose.... Niall!" She replied.

--- Harry's POV ---

I just got back from dropping em off. Such a long journey everyone seems to be upstairs. Ill go find someone to talk too.

"Niall?" I asked knocking on his door.

"Harry?" He answered back.

"No it's James James Bond!" I said laughing.

"Just come in Harry!" He laughed.

I walked into the room pretending to be holding a gun and pointing it at Niall. All of a sudden he collapsed laughing. God anything can make him laugh.

"Harry can I tell you something?" I heard him say while I was doing a James Bond impression.

"Sure mate what's up?" I asked pushing him over.

"I think I like Brooke!"

--- Brooke's POV ---

"My turn to ask you a question!" I laughed to Steph!

She was so right this was so fun we hasn't stopped laughing. It feels like we've been playing for ages. It's midnight!

"If Liam woke up right now what would you say to him?" I asked.

I saw the smiles drain from Steph's face.

"Steph sorry, I just wondered it seems like you two really like each other!" I said with worry in my voice.

"Well that's what I thought but lets be truthful here Brooke we don't even know if he's going to wake up. But I liked him I've got to admit."

The laughs and smiles went through the cold glass windows. I was now in danger of crying because I missed my brother and I could tell I upset Steph! Why did I have to ask that?

--- Perrie's POV ---

"No Eleanor I think Steph would go well with Niall! Brooke would go well with Harry and Em with Liam!" I thought I was right but El disagreed with me!

"No no no! Brooke and Niall, Steph and Liam. To be honest I don't know about Harry and Em, they seem to be like REALLY good friends!"

Well me and El had found yet another thing to disagree on. But hey that's what best friends do!

--- Zayn's POV ---

"Louis, I found a perfect person for Em! He likes Mcfly. So does Em. I don't know that much about her. But they do seem to like all the same things!"

"Since when have you and em been such good friends anyway?" Louis asked me with a giggle.

"Well before Perrie arrived I talked to Em mostly. Like at the hospital, around the house. And this guy would be perfect for her!" I pulled a proud face and Louis laughed.

"So what are you gonna do set them up or something? Haha!" Louis started to laugh but I though it was a great idea.

"Yes! that's a great idea thanks Louis. Ill text her now!"

(A/n. ok so a lot has been spilled. Love you all don't worry any Em fans she comes back into it soon. Ok who do you ship then? Writing a union J/ Youtuber FanFic

Thanks everyone.





- Ash xx)

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