Chapter 20 - Missing Liam

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--- Brooke's POV ---

Oh my god. Did I read that correctly?

Yes. Yes I did.

"Niall could you help me get up the stairs please?" I said dropping off the edge of my chair.

"Sure of course!" Niall said as he walked towards me.

Just as we left the room I turned to Harry, he didn't notice me he just sat there shaking his head.

Me and Niall reached my room and stopped outside the door.

"Do you think you will be ok going to see Liam today?" Niall asked.

"Yes! I hope, I should be fine Niall." I answered attempting to open the door.

"Shout me if you need anything. Like help opening the door!" He winked at me and pushed the door open.

"Yes Niall!" I replied walking slowly into my room.

Omg. Omg. Omg. Where is steph when you need her? And em where the hell did Em even go?

I stood up and headed quickly towards my wardrobe to get ready, I took one quick Step slipped and collapsed into a heap on the floor. All I could feel was pain! That was not a clever thing to do.

"Niall? Niall help me!" I softly shouted.

I attempted to drag myself up from the floor, bearing in mind I could barely walk. Attempting to do things by myself for the next few days was not an option.

"Niall? Niall please help!" I practically cried. The pain was eating me alive.

I heard footsteps pat across the hall, heading towards my door.

"Niall thank god!" I shouted.

"No, it's just me!" I looked up to see Harry holding his hand out for support.

I took it, and he helped me up until I was laying down on my bed. That's when Niall arrived. Perfect timing Niall.

"Brooke are you ok?" He asked pushing his way past Harry.

"Yeah I'm fine, Harry helped me!" I said smiling to them both.

"I just woke everyone else up there just eating breakfast."

"Ok, I think I'm going to stay here for a bit, come and get me before going to the hospital to see Liam!"


"Brooke Brooke?"

Harry whispered.

"Hello?" I replied stretching my arms trying to wake up.

"It's Harry, you have been asleep for a few hours everyone else went to see Liam!"

That's when my eyes shot open. They went to see Liam and I'm still here..... With HARRY!

"What!" I shouted.

"Don't worry I can drive you there once your ready, but you did look like you we're in a lot I pain earlier?"

"I'm fine! Look!" I stood up and attempted to walk, but my legs gave way and I fell back into the bed.

"Hmmm, maybe we should stay here today and ill take you first thing tomorrow morning!" He said smiling going to turn the TV on.

"Okay." I replied. I really wanted to go today.

"I'm gonna go get you some lunch!" Harry said heading towards the door.

"Harry?" I said in almost a whisper. "Is what you text me this morning true?"

He didn't reply he just sweetly smiled at me and left the room. I'm going to take that as a yes!

(I know I know it's pretty short, I'm sorry.





- Ash xx)

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