Chapter 19 - Harry & Niall

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--- Brooke's POV ---

I sat up to find ALL of us sleeping on the floor in front of the TV. With the Cushions of the sofa underneath us.

God how did I actually sleep like this seriously?

"Brooke?" I heard a whisper coming from somewhere around me. As I adjusted my eyes to the light I realised that there was no Niall.

"Niall?" I whispered back in a questioning tone.

"I'm making pancakes, you want one?" That's when I noticed his head poke through the door.

"Yeah I'd love that but could you help me, lets not forget that I can't walk properly!" I smiled to him.

He giggled and walked across to me he helped me up but as I stood up I tripped and we both fell and landed on the sofa.

We both burst out laughing as I had landed right on top of Niall.

After laughing continuously at nothing for the next few minutes we managed to wake Harry up.

"Well, well, well, what's going on here then?" Harry laughed sitting up.

"We were just about to make some pancakes!" Niall giggled hopping out of the room.

"Niall!!" I shouted him back in.

He tiptoed back in until he reached me then he gently helped me walk to the kitchen.

"So Brooke what do you like on your pancakes?" Niall asked setting out toppings in front of me.

"Nutella, sugar and Lemon, digestive biscuits and honey, or ice cream!"

"Right ill suprise you then!" Niall turned away grabbed things out of the cupboard and freezer. And turned back around holding a plate which placed on it had a pancake with EVERYTHING ON IT! Even watermelon Haribos.

"Wow!" I opened my mouth in shock at the size of the pancake. "At least I won't be hungry for a while!"

I used the counter to help me stand up and used them to keep me up as I slowly walked at snails pace to the fridge.

"Drink Niall?" I smiled at him, he looked up not noticing that I'd got up. He could tell I was in pain.

"God Brooke sit back down before you injure yourself even more!" He stood up and walked me back to my seat.

"I was fine you know Niall!" I snapped at him.

"C'mon Brooke it was lovely for you to try and walk for me but I could tell you were in pain and I care about you too much to let you hurt yourself!"

"Fine!" I said shrugging and continuing to eat my pancake.

"Niall opened the fridge and poured us both a glass of orange juice, he set one glass down in front of me not saying anything.

"Look Niall I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound horrible!" I said as he took a sip of his drink.

"It's fine Brooke I understand how hard it must be for you right now, so don't worry about it!"

Harry draped into the room looking absolutely shattered.

"Not sleep well then Harry?" I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"Well it was a bit uncomfortable to be squashed against a wall by your friends!" Harry said glaring at us playfully.

"Put it this way if you hadn't said you have more room on the end we wouldn't have purposely squashed you! So it's your own fault!" Niall laughed.

"Whatever Niall whatever! What you making for me anyway?" Harry said sitting down next to me.

"I'M not making you anything actually Mr Styles! I'm half way through my food!" Niall spoke emphasising ok the word I'M.

"Why not you made some for Brooke!" Harry said winking at Niall.

Niall glared back at Harry and Harry held his arms up as if to defend himself.

I gave them both questioning looks but they both just looked away.

"Right ok then!" I Laughed. "Nialllllll?" I moaned.

"Yes Brooke?" He asked leaning on to the kitchen counter.

"You know I can't walk and everything? Will you get my phone for me?" I said pulling a baby face.

"Yes Brooke, ill go find it!" He giggled to himself walking out the room.

"Wow your really milking the not being able to walk thing aren't you?" Harry questioned me.

"Whatever Harry, at least Niall is nice enough to get it for me bet you wouldn't!" I laughed winking at him.

"Oh c'mon we all know I would Brooke!" Harry said hugging me.

"Yeah I know! I know you would all do anything for me at the moment! And I appreciate it a lot Harry!"

"Aww Brooke we all love you! And I know this is probably not what you want to hear right now.... But I know that Liam loves you more than you will ever actually know!" He smiled softly at me.

Aww Harry is such a cutie!

"Thanks Harry, and to be honest I did need to hear that."

Ok. So at the moment Harry is the person I tell everything too, there would be more stuff to tell him, but someone else is always there. But I guess you could say that me and Harry, are BestFriends!

"Harry Styles is always here to help!" He pulled his famous smile and sat back down on his chair.

"Found it!" Niall shouted jumping back into the room. "Here you go Brooke!" He handed me my phone and smiled sweetly at me and as I turned it on a new text from Harry came through.

Text from -HazzaBear<3

You know he likes you right! ;) xx


I turned my head towards Harry and he winked and nodded to me.

Then I got another text from him.

Text from - HazzaBear<3

But to be honest I think I like you too! Xx

(Ok who enjoyed that chapter. WHO ARE WE SHIPPING??? No one is commenting. Barry? or Nooke?

If you can think of better shipping names please tell me!





- Ash xx)

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