Chapter 2

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"Charlie!" I hear someone shout as I shut my locker. I turn my head and relax my shoulders as I realize that it's only my two best friends.

"Bruh, we've been lookin' everywhere for ya!" Vanessa shrieks.

"Well, I did just get here," I laugh softly, and then Shya smacks my shoulder.

"Guess what Jasmine did! Oh my God, you'll never guess." Shya places both of her hands over her eyes and face, seeming stressed.

"She asked Morgan to go to the party with her, didn't she?" I reply with no emotion, as I had expected it to happen.

"Exactly! And we're like so upset because we were gonna ask him, and- "

"Wait, did you just say 'we'? As in you and Shya??" I ask, now fully surprised.

"Well, yeah ... " Vanessa replies slowly, realizing what my point was.

"I mean, like duh! Why wouldn't we?! Morgan's like the hottest guy in this damn school!!" Shya shouts excitedly, and her huge grin causes me to frown.

"Shya, you do realize that Jasmine hates you two, right? And if she sees you anywhere near Morgan, she'll literally kill you. The both of you." I sigh in frustration after I had realized that neither one of the girls were listening to me; they were just giggling about something.

"But then that's why you're here! C'mon Charlie, you have to come. It'll be super fun, and you just have to go! It wouldn't be the same without you." Vanessa begs while Shya nods.

I again frown. "No. No. NO. I already told you guys, I'm NOT going to that stupid party. You girls will hurt yourselves there."

"But Charl- "

"Vanessa it'll be fine! If Charlie cares about us so much, then she'd be trying to persuade us not to go to the party. Which she is, right? But, if she was our best friend, then she'd have to make us stop from going, and she'd follow right behind us and then POOF! We're all at the party!" Shya claps her hands, stupidly.

"Yeah, like I'm really going to 'accidentally' follow you into the party and then magically have on this beautiful dress!!" I remark sarcastically, but should've known that they aren't so smart and would believe anything you tell them.

"Oh, my God! For reals, huh?" Shya exclaims.

"Ohh, like that one movie, where the girl wants to go to some ball or whatever, and then that magic old lady comes and grants all of her wishes. It's a lady, right?" Vanessa rambled, then the bell rings to report to first period goes off, and we all scramble to our classes.

Thank God I don't have my first four classes with them. Yes, they are my best friends and all, but they can be a handful of shit.

* * *

Lunch came and I couldn't have been happier. And as I sat down at a table, Vanessa and Shya quickly sat down across from me.

"OMG girl, we have news!" Shya whispers at me.

"Big news!!" Vanessa chimes in and I roll my eyes.

"What is it?" I ask, already annoyed.

"We've just heard some juicy gossip about Jasmine." Vanessa smirks and turns to Shya, for her to finish the rest of what she was going to say.

"Okay, Morgan rejected Jasmine .. so, you know what that means?" Shya questions.

"The party is cancelled?!" I shout excitedly. That would honestly be the best thing in the world, but my hopes got brought down as I see Vanessa and Shya stare at me with odd expressions.

Maybe their just upset because I was making fun of them ..?

"No!" Shya shouts angrily, but then calms down a bit. "It means Vanessa and I still have a chance to ask Morgan out."

My eyes widen. "You're going to ask him out??! The both of you? I thought you were only going to ask him to the party!" I shout, completely gobsmacked.

"Sshh, Charlie, quiet down, it's okay. I meant, like ... Vanessa help me out here," Shya tried to calm me down, but I wasn't calming down anytime soon.

"I can't believe you two! You're sick. You know that? You two are sick people!!" I shout even louder, and from the corner of my eye, I see people staring in my direction, but that won't stop me.

"Charlie please, we were going to tell you, honest. It's just, we didn't really know how to." Vanessa cried innocently, but I wasn't going to fall for that crap anymore.

"All I've been trying to do for you two is help! I have always been there when you were going through hell, but when I went through it, none of you gave a shit, and the only reason I'd let it slide was because I knew that you were going through harder problems than me! But no, you just don't care. Neither of you appreciate what I do. Do you not remember what happened all those years?! You- UGH, you know what? Fuck you! Don't ever talk to me again!!" I exclaim as I stood up and walked away. I hear them calling after me, but I continue walking.

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