Chapter 28

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I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I smile.

"Hmmm." I heard him sigh happily.

I giggle. "Eed?"

"Yes?" His voice croaks.

I shift my body around and look at him. "Thank you." I blush.

"For what, love?" He smiles.

"For last night. I'm really glad you came back. I'm glad you're safe and still beautiful."

He chuckled. "You're the beautiful one." Then he placed his hand on my cheek. "And you know damn well that I'd come back for you. I love you, Charlie. Why wouldn't I come back?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I'm just glad you're mine again."

He pulled me closer. "I've always been yours."

We lied there for twenty more minutes, until I yawned and Ed looked down at me.

"So what did you do while I was gone?" He asked, sitting up. I sit up also, making a face.

"You were gone for awhile. You want to know everything?"

"Why not?" He smiled.

I shrugged. "Okay ... I remember I went hunting with the guys. We split up and I was with Harry and Example. Oh God, I also met Harry's stupid poisonous snake. Ugh, he had it wrapped around his neck and everyone freaked out because he was being choked."

"Oh, he's barely introduced you two? I should've mentioned that earlier, I'm sorry. I'm just glad you didn't get bit." Ed placed his hand on my check and gently rubbed it with his thumb.

"So am I. Oh my goodness, I ALMOST did. I was woken up by the sound of Example screaming. I guess it was in his tent but it suddenly appeared in ours and I screamed!"

Ed's eyes widened. "You screamed?? No! Never ever scream!"

"I know, but I panicked. I jumped out and that was when I met Patrick." I stared down at my hands and that was when Ed pulled his hand away from me.

"The Fedora Kid?" He laughed.

But I didn't. "Yeah. At first, he confused me for Alice."

Ed stopped laughing and then tensed up. "That fucker."

"We're cool now, but it was awkward at that moment." Then I remembered that Pat was gone and Stu was still missing. I also remembered Patrick telling me that Ed and him didn't really like each other as much as they used to. I remember asking him why, but all he said was that they had a big fight.

Curiosity got the best of me, and I wanted to know more about their 'fight'.

I just had to know!

"Ed?" I suddenly look up at him.

"Hm?" He looks back at me and my heart skips a beat.

"Um, w- what happened between you and Patrick?"

I noticed his right eye slowly started to twitch and I started wondering if this was all a bad idea.

"Umm.. m- maybe- oh, I think the guys should be awake. They'll be thrilled to see that you're back-"

"Do you really, REALLY want to know?" He grabbed my wrist and stared deeply into my eyes.

"Uh.. kind of .. y- yes." He had a really tight grip on me and for a second, I was really scared, but after he let go, he had this look on his face that showed he wasn't completely here.

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