Chapter 39

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"Well, I erm, I think there might be a way to get him back..." Ed suddenly spoke and my heart dropped and everything felt as if it had paused.

"Wh- you- like- back?? Like back? You mean, you mean, here- again- with us- back?!" My entire body faced Ed as both my voice and hands trembled anxiously.

"Yeah. We saw him not too long ago, uh, but we were in a rush, we were on our way back and so, there wasn't any conversation."

"Wait, wait. You saw him? Was he okay??" I practically screamed, but Ed didn't seem to care. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"No, yeah, he was fine. He was beside a dumpster trying to feed some homeless dogs."

My heart immediately calmed down as my lips curved into a smile. "Aww, bless his soul..."

"Yeah, I think I have an idea where he might be staying. We could go and grab him and get him back, because honestly, we need Patrick. He's helped us through everything. We can't just kick him out like that over one disagreement."

I nodded my head too quickly, I felt dizzy afterward, but it didn't matter at all. What mattered most was that Patrick was alive and he would be back in my arms soon.

"But like I said, I think I know where he's staying. There's no 'for sure' or anything. But we can give it a try." Ed smiles at me and my heart once again is racing.

"Thank you, Ed! Thank you!!" I jumped on top of him and kissed his cheek dozens of times. "Thank you so much, Teddy."

Ed's entire face turned a bright pink. "Of course, my love." He suddenly kisses my nose and the both of us giggle.

"What's all the giggling about?" Harry crosses his arms and eyes me, suspiciously.

I ignore Harry and stand up. Ed stands up, too and puts his arm around me as he smiles at Harry. "We're gonna bring Patrick back."

"What? We are?!" Pass grinned and Ed nodded.

"We aRE?" Example hiccuped, but Ed ignored him and looked over at Stu.

"We are?" Stu asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"We are." I answer, smiling widely. Ed kisses my cheek, sweetly.

"Hold the phone... when you say 'we' who do you mean? Like you and Charlie and whoever y'all decide?"

I smile at Harry. "Yes-"

"Well, not exactly." Ed responds and I immediately face him with my bottom lip sticking out.

Ed scratches the back of his neck, anxiously. "Uhh... well, okay, then yes." He says.

"Nooooo!" Harry shook his head as he covered his face with his hands. "No, no, no! You cannot change the plan because she does that stupid thing with her lip!! Oh, God! Ed!!! If you keep that up, we're all going to die!!!"

"Oh, shut up." Stu rolled his eyes. "Ed, you do realize that we're going to need to talk about this? It's not an easy 'agree, let's go' job. It's more of a group thing, remember?"

"Right," Ed nodded. "Charlie, will you hold on for a second?" His hand left my back and I felt cold.

"What do you mean?" I asked but Ed didn't turn around. He walked away and soon the guys followed close behind him. "Wait, what's going on?"

Murray turned back and smiled. "We're going to discuss a plan."

I gasped. "Really??" I began to follow the guys, but Murray motioned me to stop.

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