Chapter 35

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"Awwwkwarrrd!" Example laughs uncomfortably. I fix my hair and look over at Pass, whose face was extremely red from embarrassment.

"Um, I..." I breathed, wishing to have kissed Pass at a different hour.

"I won't tell Harry." Example smiles, innocently, reassuring me that this wouldn't come between our friendship.

Pass shakes his head and rubs his head with the both of his hands. "No, you won't tell anyone!"

"That's if I get something in return!" Example crosses his arms over his chest.

"Like what..?" I perked up, curious as to what Example wanted. I turn to Pass and see the desperation in his eyes, desperate to keep our kiss a secret. I felt desperate, too, but clearly not as much as him. I didn't really care if Harry knew Pass and I kissed. The only one who couldn't ever find out was Ed.

"More beer." Example smirked and my heart raced, remembering the awful smell of his vomit.

I am not cleaning that up again.

 "No! Anything but beer." Pass places his hand on my back. I felt goosebumps and butterflies from his touch.

 "Noo. It's beer or Ed is finding out about this."

I ignored the two and closed my eyes, thinking back to a few minutes ago, when Harry acted as if he were going to murder me. Maybe he actually was planning on doing so, but somebody saved me. Actually, something saved me: puking. That's right. Example vomited everywhere and Harry let me go. I'm never going to forget that moment, as much as I'd like to, Example becoming sick means so much to me. Yes, it was entirely gross, but I was able to get away thanks to him. If Example could stay drunk until Ed and the guys returned, that would be perfect. He could even be a distraction towards Harry. Drunk Example could actually be a lot of help!

I knew Harry was going to be upset about the death of his snake for a very long time. I also had a feeling that wherever the guys went, they were going to stay gone for a while. Who knew what Harry was planning? Not me, but I know he's thinking of something. I'm not just going to sit and wait around.

I opened my eyes again and realized how much of everything I had missed. Pass and Example were face to face and they looked as if they were both about to punch each other.

"Listen here, we ain't keeping your ridiculous face drunk, so stop asking for more beer! Jerk!" Pass clenched his jaw.

"Hey, what's going on? Stop!" I stood up and made my way towards the two dorks. "Do we have more beer?"

"Of course we do. They just have it hidden." Example glared at Pass.

"And I'm guessing you finished what they gave you?" I touched Example's shoulder, and he looked down at me with joyful eyes.


Pass scoffed. "He shouldn't get any more. He's extremely destructive when he's drunk."

"Maybe that's not such a bad thing." I smiled, trying to turn the negative situation into a positive one.

"You're right. It's a total bad thing. I don't get why you're risking this, Charlie. He's out of his mind when he drinks." Pass stepped closer towards Example.

Example laughed as he roughly shoved Pass. "You have no idea,"

"Enough. You aren't enemies. The real enemy is outside." I commented and stood between the two boys. Pass looked at me as if I had still had that twig sticking out of my belly, or something.

"Who? The devil??" Example asked, worried. He looked around and whimpered like a cold puppy out in the rain.

"Sure," I shrugged. "You can call him the devil. With those eyes, he's definitely evil."

"Who..? Harry?" Pass perked up. "Harry isn't evil. He isn't the devil, either."

"He might be." Example smiled at me and I smiled back at him.

"No," Pass shook his head and touched my shoulder. "I've known him my whole life. He's just upset right now. Don't call him something he isn't."

"Ooooooh!" Example teased. "Sounds spooky,"

"This isn't a joke, you airhead." Pass furrowed his eyebrow towards Example. "Harry was always the brother I never had. We are all brothers. We've grown up together. We know what pisses each other off and we know what makes us all happy. Harry found that snake when it was just an egg. We don't know how, but it learned to love us while it had a poisonous mind. Of course he's really upset that it's dead. I'd be upset, too. Those feelings that he has right now, I don't know about you, but those are normal feelings. You know, anger, frustration, guilt, loss, those are all natural emotions. Just because he expresses them in a different manner, doesn't mean that he's evil."

"I told him it was an accident. He didn't seem to care. I thought he would kill me if Example hadn't thrown up everywhere." I poured out.

"He just needs space. That's all." Pass shook his head, disappointed.

"Wait, so are you saying that I basically saved your life?" Example elbowed me, sweetly.

I couldn't help but blush. "I mean, I'd like to, but no. It was the idea of you that saved me. What you did saved my life."

"Oh." Example frowned, causing me to giggle.

"Is that what this is about?" Pass asked me. I looked up at him and nodded. I could never lie to his eyes.

"Yes." I gulped. "It'll work for now."

"I hope so," Pass smiled weakly and made his way back to his blanket. He lied down and closed his eyes. Example shrugged at me and walked out of the tent. I sighed as I also exited the tent, feeling betrayed. I almost regretted the kiss, until I realized what could happen if Pass saw that I was right. I could prove him wrong and he could easily apologize for doubting me.

*   *   *

 Exactly one week had passed and Harry was still being crazy. Pass was still telling me to give him more time and Example was still drinking too much. Everything was overwhelming and I was beginning to wonder when Ed and the guys would come back.

 Sometimes, I'd go outside and see Harry sitting on the log, looking depressed. I had wanted to go up to him and talk to him a few times, but I knew that it was just too soon. When would it not be too soon? I wondered. How long would it take for us to be able to speak again? Until Ed returned?? Until we all turned thirty??

   Another day had passed by, and I was spending most of my time with Example. I was wasting my breath, telling him how it wasn't healthy to be drinking so much. Of course, it was my idea to give him more beer, and course he's kept his promise about not speaking about the kiss, but the fact that Example was an alcoholic wasn't good for any of us. The guys don't necessarily have a car each. We all have a giant jeep, but that's it. If something happened to one of us, what was there to do? Drive to the nearest hospital? I lived with criminals. I'm now a missing kid. We couldn't show ourselves to the outside world. We couldn't be normal. We had to hide. To us, hiding is normal.

  Life's pretty strange, really. I find myself thinking back to when I was in middle school with Vanessa and Shya. I remember my mom and my dad actually loving each other. Then I remember her dying, Ashley coming along, my life falling apart, and then I remember Ed and the guys.


Short one, yes, hello.

I hope you liked this update☺

Stay sweet 💋


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