Chapter 32

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"C'mon! Use some strength, Charles! You throw like a girl!"

I laugh and look over at him. "Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I AM a girl!"

"Mmm, not really. Sometimes it's hard to tell what you are! You go from a girl, to a cool dude, to a crybaby, to a strong dude."

What in the world was that supposed to mean? Am I supposed to be pleased? Offended? I mean, I'm aware that Harry is the class clown here, but now that I think of it, he is very arrogant and rude.

I smirked as I jokingly lose my temper. I jump onto Mr. Harry Styles and sock his shoulder.

"Wow.. You even hit like a girl, Charles."

I stop punching his arm and sit on the smooth, tall grass. "You're no fun anymore!"

Harry laughs. "Excuse me? I am the fun around here. I mean c'mon! When we were first stealing goodies, the guys stole tools, food, blankets, and some clothes. I, on the other hand, stole this football, new shoes, and some water jugs. That makes me fun AND smart!"

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Keep dreaming, Styles."

He giggled and sat down next to me, looking off at the trees. I stare at his face and realized how much of a hottie he was.

I remembered being a fan of the band when I was a little girl. I was upset when Zayn left, and my life felt over when they all decided to leave.

But that was a really really long time ago. Kids these days won't ever know who One Direction was. I haven't heard from the other members in so long.

But maybe Harry had...

"Hey, Hair Hair?" I ask, sweetly.

He looks over at me in disgust. "Ew. Don't ever call me that again."

My heart drops but I quickly roll my eyes. "I can call you whatever I want!"

"Jeesh! All right then, Chair Chair." He smirks.

I gasp. "Ohh hell no!! Don't you dare call me a fucking chair!"

"But Charlie!" He exclaims, dramatically. "Hair and chair rhyme! It could be our thing! Yeah?"

I groan. "I mean, yeah. Why not?"

He smiled. "YAAY! Now we're like besties!!" Harry cheered and I couldn't help but giggle.

"You know," I started. "You're kinda confusing, too. When we first met, you were a complete asshole. Then you began showing your friendly side and now, it feels like your too friendly."

"Too friendly? That's a thing?" He laughed. "Oh, Charles. You spend too much of your time around Ed."

Aren't I allowed? He's my boyfriend, after all.

I look at him weirdly. "Aaand what's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you two are crazy about each other. It's really disgusting. Almost as disgusting as how obsessed he was over Alice."

My heart completely sank.

Why does everyone need to bring up Alice? It's so disrespectful and-


.. "Almost" ..?

What could he mean by that??

"Why do you say 'almost'?" I lean closer to Harry, doing my best not to sound angry in a suspicious way.

Harry looks at me and smiles, wrapping his arm around me, but I shoved it away, finally smelling the alcohol in his breath. "He was always all over her." He said, scratching his arm. "I mean, he's all over you now, but you're not gross. Meaning, you're not with all of us."

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