Chapter 3. I'm not weak...

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The next day Marinette was up early. Like really early. This was new from her. She was trying to stand up and realised that she can actually walk properly, that made her think that she is capable of going to school.
"Tikki wake up" she says and the small kwami is awake.
"Marinette why are you up so early?"
She asks and yawns.

"What do you mean? Im going to school" Marinette smiled.
Tikki was so tired that she couldn't concentrate properly.
Marinette took off her pj's an put towel around her.
She walked in to a bathroom and took a shower.

After the shower Marinette put on a grey flower shirt and green skirt.
She let her hair just be down normally.
After she was ready she went down stairs.
She saw a note on the fridge.
"Dear marinette...
Me and dad went to deliver a cake. Well be back by sundown and if were not then were back by tomorrow morning. There is food in the fridge and we love you"
How original note... There's food i the fridge and we love you...
Marinette smiled. Soon Tikki realised what's happening.

"Marinette what are you doing?"

"I'm going to School"

"But Chat said that you can't" she says and gives Marinette a worried look.

"Yes but... Chat isn't here is he?" She smirked.

"Well no bu-"

"Exactly... So he doesn't need to know about this.
Besides I believe he has to go to school too.
When I come back from school I'll just sneak in silently so he will never know" she says. Tikki groans but then agrees with Marinette even tho she doesn't want to.

Marinette walks to school and she sees Alya. Alya looks at Marinette and runs towards her. She hugs her so tight that Marinette almost couldn't breathe, also her wound started to hur but she didn't want to show it.
"Where were you girl?" Alya asks.
"Umm... I was sick" she replies. Something about this wasn't right. Alya didn't question anything. She was just looking at her and smiling.

Marinette walks into the class with Alya while everyone else were already there. Not a surprise tho. Adrien was talking with Nino so he didn't see Marinette but when Alya said hi, he finally saw her.
He was actually shocked because Marinette was supposed to stay home. Apparently she doesn't listen to him.
"Ehm... Uhh... Would you look at that. I need to go. I have an unexpected photoshoot" he lied and run out of the classroom.

He transformed in to Chat Noir and started spying Marinette.
It all might sound creepy but hey. Marinette wasn't supposed to come to school today so he needs to look after her and if something happens to her, he just runs to help her.

"Well if it isn't Maritrash" the annoying voice said behind Marinette.
"Chloe..." She groaned. Marinette decided to not to care because she had other things in mind.

The day went well so far and everything was fine until came the
moment where Chloe decided to be a bitch and she put her bag in front of Marinettes legs and she fell. Her wound opened a bit and the blood started coming out of the wound.
"Marinette are you okay?" Alya asked and helped her up.
"Yeah I'm fine" she said and tried to hide the bloodstains.

"Marinette you're bleeding" Alya realised because Marinette couldn't hide everything with her tiny hands.
"It's fine" she tried to convince her.

"No it isn't. Lift your shirt up" The teacher said behind Marinette.
Marinette got confused and Alya looked worried with the other students including the teacher in the classroom.
"W-what? No I'm in class room. Everyone is watching. Besides I'm fin- HE-!" Before she could finish the sentence Alya lifted her shirt up and the saw a wound in her stomach and back.
"Marinette what happened?" Alya asked but before Marinette could reply, Chat Noir opened the door.

"Marinette I told you to stay home. WHY JUST WHY don't you ever listen to me?" Chat walked towards Marinette and grabbed her hand.
"Let me go Chat" she tried to break free but he was holding too tight.
"No. Tell me, why didn't you listen to me when I said don't go to school. You need to rest" Marinette looked up to him. Chat was right, she wasn't supposed to go to school, but she went anyways and now this happened.

"Chat? Marinette? You two know each other?" Alya suddenly asked.
Chat let go of Marinettes arm and scratches his head.
"Ugh... Yeah I kinda saved Marinette" he said thinking was it the right thing to say...
"Ehm... Yeah. But no I mean yes you're right I never should've left home but I can take care of myself. I'm not a baby" she said and started walking towards the door.
Suddenly she fell down but before she could hit herself, Chat catched her.
"You okay Princess?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm fine now let me walk by myself"

She walked home, Chat by her side.
Every step she took she felt weaker.
She had lost so much blood that her health wasn't on point anymore.
Suddenly she tripped and fell down.
"Marinette that's it. I'm taking you home" he said and took Marinette in a bridal style and carried her home.

The walking home was silent
Untill Marinette finally spoke.
"Okay im sorry... I wanted to show that I can be strong even without the mask. But I'm not. I'm just a weak clumsy girl who doesn't deserve your help" she said almos tearing up.

Chat was shocked. He couldn't let his princess say that.
His princess wasn't weak. She was strong, caring, loving and most of all she was beautiful. So no his princess can't talk that way of herself.

"Marinette you know thats not true. You're not weak.
But you don't have to be strong either. You don't need to pretend strong if you're not. You're sweet, loving, caring and beautiful girl. So you don't need to pretend anymore" he said and smiled.

"Don't you get it? If I'm not strong, I will get humiliated. Everyone is laughing at me. Even my crush probably laughs at me" Marinette looked so heartbroken which made him sad.

"That's not true. Your crush is a jerk if he laughs at you. And you shouldn't care what other people say. You have me.... I've wanted to say this for a long time but I never had a chance..." He was now blushing madly.
"Marinette I love you... I've always loved you and I don't care if you're  ladybug or Marinette. I just love you... I know that you don't feel the same way but maybe not today nor tomorrow.... But maybe one day you'll accept my felings for you..."

And with that they were on the balcony.
Marinette was red and confused.
So he really does care...

See what i did there....Omg there is so many mistakes in this chapter but I'm  too busy rn to fix them so don't laugh at my mistakes 😂😂😂

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