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As I'm designing a new outfit. I hear how my parent's leave the house.
"Well be back soon sweetie" I hear how my mother says and then closes the door that leads to the outside world.

It's been three days since I last saw Adrien and I'm feeling kinda weak. I haven't eaten properly and I haven't left my room. I don't think it's because I dould be depressed or something, but it's because I've been thinking non stop. I've been thinking about my future and how will I continue my life.
I don't have my miraculous and I kinda don't even care. All tho I miss Tiki more than I should.
I haven't told my parent's that I WAS Ladybug and I think I'm never gonna tell them.
Life is moving on so I should start moving on too. I know it's only been three days but what can I do. I can't cry forever because at the end of the day. I would cry myself dry and then I would just die, and I don't want that.

As I start to get ready for shower, I hear a knock on my balcony window.

I open the window and I see nothing.
At first I thought that it was just wind but then my curiosity won so I climbed up.

Adrien was standing there, transformed and looking more handsome than he could actually be.

I walk in front of him and stand there in silence, waiting for him to say something.

"I brought these back for you as I promised" he says and places my earrings on my hand.

"T- thank you" is all I can say before he leaves me on the balcony, alone.

That was the last time I ever saw him.
Some people say he moved to America.
Some people say that he killed himself because of depression. That's just a rumour I think.
Where ever he is I wish he is as happy as I am. I never thought I would get over this, but here I am.

I'm still healing, but I'm happy.

*sniff* it's over... don't cry Emi. Don't cry.... I hope you all liked this story and if you did the maybe comment your opinion and vote and yeah....
Maybe share this story with others.

If you have any questions then feel free to ask 😊
Anyways now I'm gonna continue writing One last breath so Baiii❤❤
Btw I'm so proud of myself... I actually finished this story. Usually I'm so lazy that I quit after 1 chapter😂😂

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